positive Affirmation for success,सफलता के लिए सकारात्मक प्रतिज्ञान,

                          positive Affirmation for success in India

positive Affirmation for success,positive hearing, positive thinking  5.positive attitude in own work and ethics 1.positive habit 3.positive watching 4.positive  hearing,
positive Affirmation for successpositive hearing, positive thinking  5.positive attitude in own work and ethics 1.positive habit 3.positive watching 4.positive  hearing, 

At first starting this article for positive affirmation for success IT is very important 

how much you believe in your self? 

this question asks from your self and observes your self how deep 

you believe in your self from here only

success is starting in you and in your thinking.... 

yea it's true !!

Many people in this world are successful many time you think about him/her what is the difference between you and that successful person.
which type of affirmation he/she is using for success in own life 

very simple like as:-

2. positive thinking 
3.positive watching
4.positive  hearing

1.i can do it
2.it is possible
3.i can
4.i know I can do it
5.i know upcoming future is mine 

6. I can tap into a wellspring of inner happiness anytime I wish.
7. By allowing myself to be happy, I inspire others to be happy as well.
8. I have fun with all of my endeavors, even the most mundane.
9. I look at the world around me and can't help but smile and feel joy.
10. I find joy and pleasure in the most simple things in life.
11. I have an active sense of humor and love to share laughter with others.
12. My heart is overflowing with joy.

13. I rest in happiness when I go to sleep, knowing all is well in my world.

once the time when searching in google  in that time I found many peoples asking 
from where positive thinking is coming, how to produce the positive thinking, positive attitude?

the answer is very simple 
from your small-small  habit in your daily life 
that habit  makes you habitual  in your working  this habit is made your way of your life 
it is fully depended on which type of way you want to make for your life either positive or negative 

so make your habit  with awareness it give you more positive way in your life 


2. I expect to be successful in all of my endeavors. Success is my natural state.
3. I easily find solutions to challenges and roadblocks and move past them quickly.
4. Mistakes and setbacks are stepping stones to my success because I learn from them.
5. Every day in every way, I am becoming more and more successful.
6. I feel successful with my life right now, even as I work toward future success.
7. I know exactly what I need to do to achieve success.
8. I see fear as the fuel for my success and take bold action in spite of fear.
9. I feel powerful, capable, confident, energetic, and on top of the world.
10. I have an intention for success and know it is a reality awaiting my arrival.
11. I have now reached my goal of _______ and feel the excitement of my achievement.

12. Today I am successful. Tomorrow I will be successful. Every day I am successful.

watch positive videos
mean related to your dream  which video helps you to achieve your dream 
inspirational videos
motivational videos

2.you can hear the podcast related what you want to achieve in your life 

1.healing music for focus your mind in your goal


New delhi happiness
India happiness


                               1.  2018   How-to-develop-self-confidence

                                               2.    2018 positive thinking

                                                3.   2018 inspirational stories

                                                    4.   2018 success stories

                                5.   2018 online short stories

                                                 6. 2018 best way to reduce stress
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