उद्यमी दुनिया को बदल सकते हैं |Entrepreneurs can change the world
Entrepreneurs can change the world,USA
Hii, Gentleman
Today I'm here to share an own view on How Entrepreneurs can change the world?
Many times you heard the word Entrepreneurs, you may also search on a search engine like as google, yahoo, bing etc I hope you got many different answers from different websites or blog ...Sometimes you got satisfy n sometimes may not be, sometimes get confused with different answer
But one thing you know what is the origin of this word? (Entrepreneurs)
Ans-Entrepreneurs word is a loanword from French and it is first started in the 17th century in
First used in 1723.
I think you got your answer now I know you have the 2nd question in your mind
What is Entrepreneurship ?(meaning of entrepreneurship)
At first, I want to give you some example by help of this video
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