difference between mis and dss

Difference between MIS(marketing information system) and DSS(Decision support system)

A DSS(Decision support system) differ from MIS(Marketing information system) various ways
A DSS combines the use of models or analytical techniques with the traditional access and retrieval function of an MIS.A DSS is easier to use in an interactive mode and can adapt to changes in the environment as well as to the decision-making approach of the user.In addition to improving efficiency and also used in Marketing Research.

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MIS(Marketing information system)

1.Structured Problem
2.Use of Report
3.Information Displaying Restricted
4.Can Improve Decision Making by Clarifying Raw Data

DSS(Decision Support System)

1.Unstructured Problem
2.Use of Model
3.User-Friendly Interaction
5.Can Improve Decision Making by using "What If"Analysis

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