Managing Small Business-Small Business Management

Managing Small Business-Small Business Management

Small Business Management: Owner-managers hiring professional or highly qualified staff for the first time are often reluctant to delegate full authority and responsibility to the newcomer(s): having previously been responsible for tasks themselves, they find it difficult to abandon them to others. Equally, new entrants often felt they must demonstrate their expertise by reorganizing the area of the organization for which they have assumed authority. the owner-manager may well take this as implicit criticism of his previous efforts, leading to friction with the new employee. Managing staffs is a vital element of small business. In addition, an entrepreneur must learn how to manage small business well.

Functional experts are often 'cosmopolitans', whose commitment to there specialist skills may override their commitment to any particular firm. In the extreme case, their current employee is regarded merely as a stepping-stone in their career, to be rejected when further possibilities for career advancement occur elsewhere. Unless the owner-manager can master this new element of personal independence, integrating his linger-standing managers with his new specialists, and coping with the occasional loss of specialists, a quest for growth may be transformed into a battle for survival.

It has also been suggested that certain kinds of employees, for example highly qualified and professional people will be reluctant to work for small firms as small firms are often unable to offer the rewards and career progression opportunities available in the larger firm. Also, such staff may feel that experience gained with a household name company in industry or commerce will carry more weight when they subsequently offer themselves to other employers. Unfortunately, there is relatively little evidence to indicate the strength of these points but that which is available does support them broadly. One study reported that almost half of the small and medium-sized enterprises in the research sample employed no professionally qualified staff at all. Some respondents also indicated that they were reluctant to encourage managerial staff to develop their skills for fear they would leave and start up their own business as competitors. Management by the owner-manager is important because he or she remains more careful than a paid manager. But whether owner or salaried manager, management does the same role without any dispute.

Management is very important for any business organization whether it is a small business firm or company. Management is what a manager does. A manager usually gets things done by others. These 'others' are his employees. If the employees are efficient and reliable, they are said to be a good employee.

A small enterprise can be turned into a big enterprise if the managing of the small firms remains in a proper and perfect way. Managing a small business is as much important as the innovation and introduction of it.

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