What is a 'FRIEND' & why do we need them..

What is a 'FRIEND' & why do we need them

What is a Friend...?-> "A True Friend is one who shares your sorrow in your tough times, Joy & Happiness in your Happy times & Never leaves you for the lifetime.."

What is a 'FRIEND' & why do we need them..

-> who accepts you as what you're.

-> A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down.

-> A true friend is one who sticks to you through thick or thin unconditionally.

-> Someone you can always bank upon even in the times of adversities.

-> They are often your best critics just for the sake of your own betterment.

-> They don’t mind being right in your face and telling you where are you actually going wrong.

->“A true friend is the greatest of all blessings, and that which we take the least care of all to acquire.”

-> A true friend loves you for what you are and not what you ought to be.

-> A true friend should always be cherished.

-> A true friend knows you in and out and is always there to back you even while you are up against the odds.

What is a 'FRIEND' & why do we need them..