Do you have any innovative ideas for India for startups?[Best Startups Ideas for India]

Do you have any innovative ideas for India for startups?

Do you have any innovative ideas for India for startups?[Best Startups Ideas for India]

In the core of its business model, every startup is trying to handle some problems and provide convenience to the concerned mass. E-commerce portals are making the reach of goods to large masses. 

Aggregator models are helping small players to grow. Directory portals and search platforms are helping people in finding the right option. Hyperlocal delivery is avoiding the problem of hectic schedules.

Another way of finding the new concepts is by thinking about sectors that are under development and need urgent solutions for their betterment. Based on the sectors with high demand and market share,

 FS has compiled a list of some startup Ideas so that entrepreneurs could provide some solution to mass for their major pain areas –

Innovative startup ideas for India

Agriculture startup idea for India
Agriculture along with its associated sectors is definitely the biggest livelihood provider in India and also the biggest contributor in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Over 58% of rural population is dependent on agriculture as their principal mean of occupation.

Growth in household income and consumption, expansion of the food processing sector, and the increase in agricultural export are some of the major factors that have worked together to facilitate growth in the sector in India. 

Escalating private contributions in Indian agriculture, growing organic farming and the use of information technology are some of the key developments in the agriculture industry.

As per estimates by the Central Statistics Office (CSO), the share of agriculture and allied sectors (including agriculture, livestock, forestry and fishery) was 15.35 per cent of the Gross Value Added (GVA) during 2015–16 at 2011–12 prices.

Being such a huge market base and a need of time, Agriculture is one of the best sectors for entrepreneurs to focus their venture. Here are few thoughts from FS Labs for agricultural startup business model –

Money, Techniques and Knowledge-based Solution for Farmers

Equipment and Technology in Agriculture

Warehouse Infrastructure and Management

Logistics Management Solutions

Distribution Channel Betterment

Yield Improvement Technologies

Farming Education Support Network

Since the market volume is huge and the scope of improvement exists on large scale, startups in Agriculture startups will have high probability of success depending on the level of execution. Also, the demand of food is never going to vanish, so the further scope and scalability is huge.

Manufacturing Startup Ideas for India

Manufacturing in India is growing after its decline in the late nineties. Introduction of new technologies, increase in import and export business, increased interest of overseas players in the Indian market, availability of more skilled manpower are some of the factors to contribute in this growth.

The manufacturing sector currently contributes ~15-16% to GDP (2015) and gives employment to ~12% (2014) of the country’s workforce. Studies have estimated that every job created in manufacturing has a multiplier effect, creating 2–3 jobs in the services sector.

As per the report of the “India Brand Equity Foundation”, the Government of India has set an ambitious target of increasing the contribution of manufacturing output to 25 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2025, from 16 percent currently. With this target, India’s manufacturing sector could touch US$ 1 trillion by 2025. There is potential for the sector to account for 25-30 percent of the country’s GDP and create up to 90 million domestic jobs by 2025.

Also Read:- Best start-up business idea 2020

Though the manufacturing sector is witnessing growth, it is not in-line with the technological advancement in the global manufacturing scenario. Here are few thoughts from FS Labs for manufacturing-based startup business model –

Machinery and Technology Improvement
Process Automation

Waste Minimization and Yield Improvement Solutions

Warehouse Management Services

Logistics Control and Optimization Strategies

Import and Export Domain

After Market Solutions – Spare Parts and Services

Efficiency and Productivity Enhancement

A lot of OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) and their supporting vendors are burning their funds by relying on old-fashioned techniques. 

A small concept giving some reduction per unit will generate a huge ­­amount of saving when extrapolated to total annual volume and hence shall be appreciated by all the manufactures of India.

Health Care startup idea for India

Healthcare has become one of India’s largest sectors – both in terms of revenue and employment. Healthcare comprises hospitals, medical devices, clinical trials, outsourcing, telemedicine, medical tourism, health insurance and medical equipment. The Indian healthcare sector is rising at a brisk pace due to its strengthening coverage, services, and increasing expenditure by public as well as private players.

As per the report of the “India Brand Equity Foundation”, Indian healthcare sector is expected to register a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.9 percent during 2015-20 to US$ 280 billion. Rising income level, greater health awareness, increased precedence of lifestyle diseases and improved access to insurance would be the key contributors to growth.

Though a lot of startups are trying to make health care sector better with their business model, but the need of time is making health care services affordable to everyone. 

A small surgery of heart cost more than 3-4 lakh INR which is not so much affordable for the middle and lower class. So, development in this direction is the need of time. Here are few thoughts from FS Labs for health care startup business model –

Knowledge-based Portals

Efficient Tools and Equipment

Automation in the Medical Industry

Machinery and Technological Improvement

Waste Management startup Idea

India’s rapid growth in all the sectors has resulted in sudden increase in domestic as well as industrial waste. Rapid Urbanization, industrial growth, deficiency of financial resources, institutional weaknesses, improper choice of technology and public apathy towards waste has made the widespread system of waste management far from satisfactory.

As per estimates, more than 160,000 Metric Tons of municipal solid waste is generated on a daily basis in the country. Per capita waste generation varies in cities from 0.2 kg to 0.6 kg with an estimated annual increase of 1.33%. The industrial sector is estimated to generate 100 million tons of waste every year.

With such huge scope of Improvement and Prime Minister Narendra Modi also taking initiatives like Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan, waste management provides large scope to entrepreneurs to develop their business model as well as clean the country. Here are some thoughts from FS Labs for entrepreneurs in waste management domain –

Household Waste Management

Industrial Waste Management

Agricultural Waste Management

Recycling and Reuse of Waste

Thermal Power Plant Waste Management

Waste Reduction and Efficiency Improvement Techniques
Waste reduction techniques will definitely be supported by mass as well as government and hence has high chances of success.

Power Sector startup Idea

India’s power sector is quite diversified. Sources of power generation range from conventional sources such as coal, lignite, natural gas, oil, hydro and nuclear power to viable non-conventional sources such as wind, solar, and agricultural and domestic waste.

 Rapid growths of industries, economic upturn, technology advancement etc are the factors contributing in the high requirement of power sector and in expected to increase in upcoming year at high rates.

As per the report of “India Brand Equity Foundation”, Planning Commission’s 12th Five-Year Plan estimates total domestic energy production to reach 669.6 million tonnes of oil equivalent (MTOE) by 2016–17 and 844 MTOE by 2021–22. By 2030–35, energy demand in India is projected to be the highest among all countries.

As of November 2015, total thermal installed capacity stood at 196.2 gigawatt (GW), while hydro and renewable energy installed capacity totaled 42.6 GW and 37.4 GW, respectively. At 5.8 GW, nuclear energy capacity remained broadly constant compared with the previous year.

 India’s rooftop solar capacity addition grew 66 per cent from last year to reach 525 Mega Watts (MW), and has the potential to grow up to 6.5 gigawatts (GW). India’s wind power capacity, installed in FY2016,

 is estimated to increase 20 percent over last year to 2,800 Mega Watt (MW), led by favorable policy support that has encouraged both independent power producers (IPP) and non-IPPs.

Here are some of the thoughts from FS Labs to align the power sector in India –

Existing Power Plants Effectiveness Enhancement
Power Distribution Network and Efficiency Improvement Solutions
Coal and Petroleum Products Utilization
Energy Saving Solutions
Renewable Energy Sources Utilization

Since the demand is high and supply is limited, any solution fulfilling the need will definitely be appreciated by mass.

Human Resource Management

“If China has emerged as the manufacturing capital of the world, India can become the human resources capital of the world. In the coming decades, the world will gain the maximum workforce from India.” -Prime Minister Narendra Modi “Skill India Mission”

Availability of skilled manpower at low/moderate rate has already attracted a lot of overseas players to outsource their manpower and is increasing day by day.

 A lot of manufactures are getting attracted to make India as their production hub for their global demand. IT firms are offloading their projects work to skilled people in India.

Due to high demand of human resources in domestic as well as global market, Human Resource Management provides a good scope of improvement for entrepreneurs. 

Here are few thoughts from FS Labs –

Affordable Education Resources
Manpower Management Solutions
Global Sourcing and Optimization
Training and Development Solutions

Though selection of idea/ concept plays an important role in predicting the success level of startup, execution plays the most important role. 

A good concept with bad execution is of no use. So entrepreneurs must analyze all the factors like the problem is solved,

 existing vs new solution, direct and indirect market competition, scalability of concept etc prior to execution.

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