How Jennifer Shealey, age 42 making 366k dollor on fiverr after Losing Her Jobs(Inspirational & Positive Story of woman)
Jennifer Shealey , 42, has been a Fiverr seller since 2014 and has made $366,000 in sales so far. Jennifer lives in Melbourne, Florida and offers marketing and graphic design services on Fiverr. Before becoming a freelancer, Jennifer worked at a tile company as a project administrator.
I was just looking for stay-at-home jobs and i stumbled across fiverr and it was just something that hit me and i was like wow like could this be something that i could leave that sucky job that i had my name is jennifer sheely and i'm a fiverr top-rated seller i'm also from melbourne florida.
i would say over the course of my journey on fiverr i've made well over 350 000 and you know just the
Jennifer Shealey | Image source : cnbc |
last you know couple of years i've been hitting six figures so
i don't find myself slowing down
and then i ended up you know losing my job at the towel
company because they said that
apparently i was just on my phone too much and i was just
kind of like bored with the job so once
i launched the job at the tile company then i was really like
focused on working at home
and then i realized like i just wanted to get kind of out of that
project management role and
just really focus in on fiverr so what i did was i just used all
the extra free time that i had which
was probably like a little bit in the evenings and basically my
weekends and i sacrificed all
that i i didn't go to parties and i just said no to a lot of things
because i was really wanting
to focus on fiber and it got to a point within a four year period
that i was basically making more
in fiber than i was with those three jobs together i was like
this is no longer a side hustle this is
my job i started off on fiverr offering um facebook advertising
for five dollars so some people might find that silly you know
starting out like why would you
do that well you know sometimes you have to do what you got to do to uh put your name out there
then you know through the years i progressively increased it to today you know i offer a six
ad package for 175 dollars i didn't see a huge return in the first three years at fiverr
all i wanted to do was pay my rent and to get food in my mouth and to pay my bills
and uh that's powerful you know what i mean like and then now i don't have to think about all that
you know i'm comfortable with that maybe one day i'll own a tesla because i'm in
my vehicle at times driving and working and it's just like this is the future you know
and it's just funny because i get things done and then i can go and enjoy a meal
i'm actually doing way more work than i did in 2020 so um i'm quite shocked about it
fiverr unlocked a world of opportunity to me that i'm very thankful for and very fortunate for
i really feel like god just put this fight in me to not give up i think those times where
i was overlooked for promotions and you know dumbed down i just think now when i look at it
it was all a preparation for now because i'm leading my own ship people out there like a
woman like me or she's a colored woman as myself where she's lgbt you know you kind of just go like
do i really fit out here you know and i and i just always had this drive and i felt like
you know i just i'll do whatever it takes you know what i mean i'll work harder
and faster and longer and weekends and whatever just to prove a point that i am worth something
and that my work matters and that my voice matters and that you know i have a purpose here
I hope you learn Positive things from her life action .
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