The Inspirational, Positive ,Motivational Success Story & Biography Of [ Jackie Chan ] - From Stuntman and Being a Failure to Oscar Winner
The Inspirational, Positive ,Motivational Success Story & Biography Of Jackie Chan - From Stuntman and Being a Failure to Oscar Winner
The Motivational Success Story Of Jackie Chan - From Stuntman And Being a Failure to Oscar Winner
One of the best motivational story for success in life.
The Inspirational, Poistive ,Motivational Success Story & Biography Of Jackie Chan Image |
Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong in a very poor family. His father worked as a cook and his mother as a housekeeper for the French Ambassador. Jackie Chan grew up to be a very energetic kid, but because of his dyslexia he had troubles learning in school. So, He ended up being the worst student.
When he was only 7 years old, His parents moved to Australia for work , and decided that Jackie Chan should stay in Hong Kong in a very strict boarding school, where he would learn , acrobatics, martial arts, singing, dancing.
So, for the next For ten years, he trained all day long, and Some days, he trained for 19 hours.
And as things weren't hard enough, he was also bullied by the other kids. He was terrified to stand up for himself. Until one incident happened.
"I was bullied quite a lot when I was growing up in my Peking Opera School. I allowed myself to be bullied because I was scared and didn't know how to defend myself. I was bullied until I prevented a new student from being bullied. By standing up for him, I learned to stand up for myself."
At 17, Jackie Chan started working as a movie extra and stuntman in many films. He was even working as a stuntman to Bruce lee. But unfortunately he didn't have success as an actor so, defeated he moved to Australia with his parents and started working in construction.
When he was 21, he returned in Hong Kong determined to succeed. But his Kung Fu movies, again, were complete failures. Finally, he decided that he didn't want to become the "next Bruce Lee". He wanted to become the "first Jackie Chan", do something new and forge his own path. So with the perfect combination of comedy and his own style of martial arts, the audience loved the new genre he created and he became huge star In Asia.
And after many years of hard work, broken bones and determination, finally he became famous and successful in Hollywood at 42. And even though he never fully learned how to read or write or use a computer, Jackie Chan has made more than 100 movies, speaks 7 languages, holds the Guinness World Record for Most Stunts by a Living Actor and after 56 years in the film industry he won an Oscar for lifetime achievement.