The Best Poistive Success Story of Walt Disney - DO THE IMPOSSIBLE! - How [ Walt Disney ] Went From Failure To Winning 22 Oscars

 The  Best Poistive Success Story of Walt Disney - DO THE IMPOSSIBLE! - How Walt Disney Went From Failure To Winning 22 Oscars

DO THE IMPOSSIBLE! - How Walt Disney Went From Failure To Winning 22 Oscars

I hope this motivational story will help you achieve your dreams!

Walt Disney grew up in a poor family. He was one of five kids. So To help out he began painting and selling pictures to neighbors and family friends. In search of a better life they soon moved to Kansas City where Disney fell in love with trains. So At the age of 14 he was working at a railroad selling snacks, candy and soda to the passengers.

The  Best Poistive Success Story of Walt Disney pic
The Positive Success Story Of Walt Disney Image

Disney and his brother Roy woke up at 4:30 every morning to deliver newspapers before school. After the school was over they would do another round .This job was exhausting for the brothers. Walt Disney would often fall asleep in class, so he constantly received poor grades. But to support his family he kept doing his job for more than 6 years.

In High school He took drawing and photography classes  and became the cartoonist of the school newspaper. And he even took courses at night.

After he came back in Kansas City he landed a job at an art studio. But he was fired. According to his boss, he "lacked imagination and had no good ideas." He and a co-worker Ub Iwerks founded their own commercial company.  But they failed to attract customers. So Disney and his brother Roy focused on creating cartoons and launched their own company called Laugh-O-Gram. Their cartoons became very popular  but unfortunately they did not provide enough income, so the company went bankrupt.

Walt Disney grew up poor and was never afraid to work hard. He was fired, he went bankrupt and failed over and over again. He was even rejected 300 times. But he never stopped.

Walt Disney won 22 Oscars!

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible" - Walt Disney

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