What is [ Entrepreneurial competencies ] and its elements with Behavior and How to use it in organization
What is [ Entrepreneurial competencies ] and its elements with Behavior and How to use it in organization
Here we share about topic namely entrepreneurial
competencies and element and entrepreneurial
Cover Image of Entrepreneurial competencies |
Definition of Entrepreneur : The French origin
of the word
entrepreneur connotes to business head
who assumes an indispensable(very important) role in the
economic development of a country.
An Entrepreneur is groomed well based on
the circumstances that expose him to the
requisite opportunities and resources.
An Entrepreneur who makes the best
strategic plan of bridging both the
opportunities and the available
resources persistently and undoubtedly
holds on to the wings of corporate
victories at all times it is once enter
per enterprising Skills that acts as a
magic world for once corporate success
the anecdote of a blind beggar who
didn't get any money but gain the pity
of a possible enterprising skills would
serve a right .
Example : Here there was a
blind beggar who was begging for his
bread with a cardboard inscription
stating I am blind
please help but none Tuukka notice of
him a passerby who happens to be gone
this beggar takes his cardboard and
wrote on the other side it's a beautiful
day . you can see it but I cannot this
moving statement gains a good sum of
money for that blind beggar the
noteworthy point here is the
enterprising statement written by the
passerby in fact the phenomenal success
of an entrepreneur .
Actually depends on
the behavior and competency level of
that entrepreneur it is here the
question about entrepreneurial compute
these arises to use Callaghan's
Definition entrepreneurial behavior : is the subset of
entrepreneurial activities
concerned with understanding predicting
and influencing individual behavior in
entrepreneurial settings .
First Entrepreneurial competency :
Corporate ingenuity
refers to the adeptness
of the entrepreneurs corporate ingenuity
corporate leadership corporate diplomacy
quality consciousness and
entrepreneurial mindset corporate
ingenuity is the prime quality of
entrepreneurial competencies
generally speaking .
Second Entrepreneurial competency :
Corporate intelligence
depends on the way of one's
positive approach to any business
situation this may be well comprehended.
Example of Two Salesman : Exemplification once
there lived a shoe manufacturer who asks
couple of a salesman to explore their
business potential in a nearby country.
both of them observed that the place
where they had been sent did not possess
the least knowledge about wearing shoes.
on their written to the master
the first salesman reported that there
had been no chance of establishing their
business as those people didn't have an
awareness about shoes whereas
the second salesman said that that was the best
suitable place for the establishing
their business as those people would
love and enjoy the comfort of shoes if
introduced .
the second salesmen shall be
appreciated here for his corporate
ingenuity at this instant corporate
ingenuity perhaps refers to the
competitive intelligence of an
entrepreneur who sets himself in
observing the business prospects
mustering or gathering information about
the pros and cons of the business and
comprehending the demand for their
products besides executing the strategic
business plans of the organization
successfully next we come to corporate
leadership corporate leadership is
wrongly assumed
to be an occupation or designation most
of the times as a matter of fact
corporate leadership is the prominent
adeptness imbibed by any entrepreneur to
be triumphant in the corporate world it
is a responsibility that every
entrepreneur shoulders it requires the
precocious knowledge of a corporate
leader who could holistically view every
employee along with his or her attitude
expertise interests and personal profile
from the top to bottom a good leader.
Always knows about the smart ways of
work execution and work distribution in
the organization.
the employees field of
expertise is always taken into account
by the best corporate leader before work
allotment this quality actually reduces.
the burden and unnecessary moderation of
the entrepreneur
therefore corporate leadership skill
shall be observed as the second
indispensable entrepreneurial.
Competencies of every corporate for
instance the corporate tycoon and
recipient of Padma Bhushan in 2008 and
Padma Bhushan in 2000 Mr. Ratan Tata is
stated to have raised the profits of his
industries 50 times during 21 years of
ass corporate involvement it seems his
courage of investment in various traits
besides his focus and choice of right
industrial arena for investments shall
be inferred or understood by many entrepreneurs
Third Entrepreneurial competencies :
Corporate diplomacy
Corporate diplomacy is the third phase of all the
primordial competencies to be discussed
this quality shall be simply defined as
the capacity of the corporate to say s
and know in the appropriate business
context here the entrepreneur needs
desirable discretion to decide on what
can make the business flourish to
understand the business structure an
entrepreneur has to acquire a dick
experience on corporate diplomacy and
emotionally well-balanced entrepreneur.
has the optimum opportunity of
practicing corporate diplomacy this
potentiality has its roots in the cool
and stress-free attitude of an
entrepreneur at all times
so that the decisions made in the
corporate always served towards the
progress of an organization sometimes.
this corporate diplomacy also results an
adverse effect of one sector of the
corporate in such a situation to
safeguard the industrial output
holistically .
The entrepreneur is pushed
to an extreme to make decisions this
actually reminds the owl and the most
story where the mouse seeks the help of
a wise Holly to get away from or get out
of a forest in which it is trapped at
that situation the only in fact says or
gives advice to the mouse to grow wings
of course it is certainly incredible.
However, here the mouse which loses its
last hope with the whole will certainly
find its own way out is the real logic
practiced as corporate diplomacy at very
vulnerable business contexts and
situations today it is the necessity
that leads one towards great
most of the times at that
and that has come true in many cases
alsonow we are discussing quality
consciousness the best a venue of an
entrepreneurial success shall be
attained through
Fourth entrepreneurial competency :
Quality consciousness
of the end product
quality consciousness is not a cakewalk
it is framed on the foundation of the
holistic industrial commitment and
sincerity of the employees when the
employees are highly satisfied with the
corporate norms and the quality of the
product naturally gets when it is
manufactured naturally stands the full
proof for its quality the
characteristics does not only uplift the
profile of an industry but also of the
on the other facet when an entrepreneur
gives prime importance to the quality of
the end product the job of advertisement
is taken up very easily by the consumers
willing propaganda about the product
this gives a serendipitous progress to
the business by uplifting the profile of
the entire group of the organizations.
also it is noteworthy that any big
corporate has a small beginning points
big or small does not matter it is the
case of investments and the quality
consciousness that takes the business
towards Heights this shall be deciphered
from an anecdote where a cardiologist
takes his car to a car mechanics garage.
to set it right there
the chief mechanic instructs a noise to
set it right by narrating the process of
it and the tools to be used in few
seconds the car is set right and the
bill is submitted to the cardiologist
for payment as the bill seemed to bear
an unimaginable high payment the doctor
says it is atrocity to charge that much
of a payment for a simple work the
mechanic immediately makes a general
comparison with a big figure in medical
bills given by the doctors for simple
treatments for which the doctor replies
the mechanic's mechanics work is not a
meshing mechanics usually work on
machines when they are not plugged into
electricity but where is a doctor he
works on human missions in in its full
vitality and that makes the difference
justifies the doctor because it is very
easy when the machine is not plugged in
it is very easy to work on a mission
when a machine is running it is highly
risky and difficult to work on a mission
that's what the doctor in techs telling
for which the doctor immediately derp as
soon as the doctor tells this the garage
man replies doctor we can work on dead
missions to bring it alive can you is
the question asked by the garage owner
the doctor gets stunned by the mechanics
query and leaves the garage by paying
his bill silently
big or small the quality consciousness
of a work speaks for a long time is the
model conveyed here as the
Fifth entrepreneurial competency :
Grenoble mindset
component we are now discussing on the
Grenoble mindset this entrepreneurial
mindset shall be addressed as the winner
mindset in fact this winner mindset is
the crucial part of an entrepreneur's
corporate success to state that
precisely the corporate mindset has a
strong roots on certain essential
entrepreneurial qualities like
assertiveness self motivation
determination commitment focus
goal-setting systematic planning
prioritization of work plan execution
and entrepreneurial stability for
Reliance Industries without
Padma Vibhushan dhirubhai ambani
Infosys without Padma Vibhushan n R Narayana
vest an Indian vegetable products
called the probe without as impress G
are unimaginable without these
entrepreneurs associated with their
respective industries what has made
these business tycoons so special to
occupy the space coverage of several
reputed magazines if pondered well the
answer is naturally their
Entrepreneurial mindset which comprises
assertiveness self motivation
determination commitment focus
goal-setting systematic planning
prioritization of work plan execution
and entrepreneurial stability this
entrepreneurial stability actually
arises from
the entrepreneurial behavior
which shall be discussed elaborately not
this in fact is the second fact of the
entrepreneurial behavior is
perceived as an entrepreneur's attitude
in observing the consumer behavior on
both psychological and sociological
facets of the business a thorough
understanding of entrepreneurial
behavior is both an art and science
while the strategic approach to human
behavior is considered to
science the practical exposure of the
behavioral knowledge serves to be an art
to state in other words
behavior is an essential and fundamental
psychological knowledge of an
entrepreneur to stick on firmly to his
or her incessant or continuous
industrial success
here arises a query
why the entrepreneurial behavior is considered ?
significant to be comprehended this
shall be justified with the Frog and
scorpion anecdote once there lived a
scorpion and a frog together and the
Scorpion goes and seeks the help of the
Frog to cross a flooded river the Frog
was scared to take the scorpion on its
back and says if I carried you on my
back you would sting me to death but the
Scorpion replied.
why I would sting you
then the both have to save our lives
both the lights is at stake and unless
otherwise we cross the river as the
replay of the Scorpion seemed very
sensible to the frog the frog accepts to
the deal and the Frog carries the
scorpion on its back half the way
through the Scorpion had stung the frog
the frog ripping in pain asked the
why did you sting me even after knowing ?
it would do both of us to death the
Scorpion replied my nature and attitude
is to sting and I had done the same and
this vulnerable and irresistible
situation so I had stung you said the
scorpion pathetically the inference from
here is a very strong understanding of
entrepreneurial behavior for taking
preventive measures to solve any
corporate crisis when an entrepreneur
was assessed the requisite
entrepreneurial behavior he or she
obviously has the understanding of
client or consumer behavior
Number two
the interpretation of the client or consumer behavior
Number three foresight of the societal compulsion
Number four observation of triplicate
behavioral pattern
Number five identification of transformation
and consumers interest let's now get
started with all the five components to
be observed with a perspective to
enhance the entrepreneurial behavior as
the first component we are to discuss
understanding the consumer behavior.
concentrating on entrepreneurial
behavior perhaps opens the doors of
behavioral approach discussed in the
business management concepts
entrepreneurial competencies indeed rely
on the behavioral concepts of the human
beings this study has fixed at strong
roots on the behavioral knowledge of
human beings pursued through
observations on human behavior in fact
this behavior of knowledge is an
essential enterprising skill furthermore
both an animate and inanimate things
shall give clues about interest believes
and attitudes of human beings the
inanimate things used by human beings
prominently proclaim certain essential
information about them which may serve a
clue or a tool for a successful business
deal sometimes
Read more : Marketing Research
for instance a skinny the door-to-door
marketing person usually comprehends the
success of his business deal
every day by observing the footwear
cupboard that is kept outside every
house before pressing the calling bell
the clues about the number of members in
the family the proportionate mix of male
and female members the age group of
people who are living in the family
number of kids in the family the
economic status of a family and at
present how many members are available
in the family and all these things can
be holistically perceived by just
looking at the footwork aboard by the
door-to-door vendor so this is very easy
for the door-to-door vendor to make his
business very successful the second
component of the entrepreneurial
behavior is interpretation of consumer
behavior and all the planners
interpretation capacity of the consumer
behavior helps to promote and smoothly
maintain the business relationship
between each other offering freebies to
the consumers on buying their goods
allotment of rebate percentage on
certain specific purchases issuing smart
cards of that enterprise with credit
points to make the consumer fall back to
them for all further purchases are quite
a few instances where the consumer
behavior is well generalized by the
entrepreneur's in some of the big
garment industries of Tamilnadu.
especially in Coimbatore the consumers
who set themselves on perches are
offered free quality beverages
especially in the evenings this
naturally results in the flooding of
consumers to those shops the salesman of
these shops are trained by the
entrepreneurs to speak in a convincing
and cajoling manner to their customers
and consumers so that they will not walk
out of the shop after making just a
window shopping experience now thirdly
we come to see foresight of the societal
compulsion the foresight of the society
compulsion is a third component of the
entrepreneurial behavior the fundamental
awareness about the cycle completion for
a purchase of certain products
becomes a
significant knowledge of an entrepreneur
prior to devising his or her business
plans the society in which the
entrepreneur lives perhaps forms a
strong based
entrepreneurial behavior this societal
factor has an equal role on the consumer
behavior also there they're a soap
manufacturer or a beverages producer
irrespective of the nature of the
business an entrepreneur is prone to
study the societal taboos societal
beliefs and societal anxiety before
marketing management the commodity
a few ready-made
shops in Coimbatore district of Tamil
Nadu freely offer
oven fresh sweets to kits and perfume
the natural flowers like a white and
pink Jasmine's to the murdered women on
Fridays who visited shop the sentimental
attachment of thommeri married women in
this society and their societal belief
is well utilized by these entrepreneurs
of the garment industry located in
weimar the district of the murder
observation of triplicate behavior
pattern now this is a fourth component
which is to be discussed this confident
deals with the triplicate behavioural
pattern which is actually a cyclic.
process the interlinked cyclic
behavioral pattern opens an avenue to
identify three behavioral elements
namely individual behavior inter
individual behavior and the behavior of
organizations these three behavioral
patterns are interconnected and they may
be easily understood with the help of an
a person who commutes to his workplace
every day by train observes an idle man
on the platform from where he boards in
the Train one fine day the computer
calls the idle man and hands over force
or brings containers and asks him to
crush and push it into the recycle
machine kept in the station by the
recycle industry located in the city
this Irie man reluctantly goes to the
Machine and obeys instruction given by
the commuter.
immediately the mission heals him some
nominal amount with which he can order
at least a tea the next day the commuter
happens to see the man picking a ball
empty sovereigns containers after that
he was not at all seen on the platform
after a short span of one year on a
sultry day afternoon.
the commuter stops his bike up to take a
soft drink at a shop to his surprise he
finds the oil man in the cash counter
who offers a free drink to the commuter
as a sign of his indebtedness if we
closely analyzed the story the commuter
throws a psychological stimulus on the
Idleman to work by exposing him the
benefits of it here the behavior of the
organisation that persuades an employee
to work and scale Heights that shall be
inferred secondly the inter individual
behavior of both the men one in giving
and another in executing orders shall be
deciphered thirdly the idle man's
individual behavior is tapped to
progress in his career is also unveiled
similarly the organizational behavior
forms a psychological stimulus towards
enriching the work potential of every
individual as the fifth component now
discuss identification of transformation
in consumers interests the
component is identification of
transformation why do we discuss this
there is a reason understanding the
transformation transformation of
consumers interests above the commodity
available in the market.
best helps the entrepreneur to introduce
quality and utility based products in
the commodity market the transformation
of consumers increase of course paves
the way for appropriate sales strategies
to market the innovative products the
entrepreneurial behavior is set on full
swing in analyzing the demands of the
consumer and supplying their need
catering to the anticipation of the
in the frame of the corporate dogma is a
puzzling experienced almost all the
entrepreneurs as they have to wait and
watch the end results of their business
to summarize the entire lecture the
author primordial competencies are
studied under five major headings namely
corporate ingenuity corporate leadership
cartridge diplomacy quality
consciousness and entrepreneurial
mindset the lecture content
simultaneously focused on
entrepreneurial behavior where the
potentiality of an entrepreneur in
understanding the client or consumer
behavior interpreting the client or
consumer behavior foreseeing the
societal complexion observing the
triplicate behavioral pattern
identifying the transformation of
consumers interest all these things are
studied in addition to all these things
the entrepreneurial behavior comprises
both theoretical and practical
approaches we also need to know this can
be studied with understanding of
research applications that opens the
doors of organizational comprehension a
thorough knowledge on these two facets
of entrepreneurship namely
entrepreneurial competencies
entrepreneurial behavior helped the
corporate heads to achieve their
corporate goals these corporate triumphs
actually sprout from the rational
thinking of the entrepreneurs and
commitment invested by the employees of
an organization precisely the
entrepreneurs rational thinking
the best behavior
among the employees progressive output
percentage resulting in admirable
turnover of an organization smart work
ambience of the corporate and the
aspirations of the employees to grow
along with the organization the
significant aspiration of the
entrepreneurial behaviour also states
explicitly and forecasts the
enterprising potentialities of
behavior in general in short it provides
a strategic plan of action and the
attitudes of people employed in an
organization furthermore this study has
also given a hint on the indispensable
changes in
human behavior
along with the changes and growth of the
technical world of the corporate hope
you all have found this lecture very
useful and content rich at this juncture