How to Learn data analyst skills in just 3 months, step by step | Roadmap to become data analyst for free
How to Learn data analyst skills in just 3 months, step by step | Roadmap to become data analyst for free
Do you want to learn data analysis
skills and you are not sure where to
start i am going to
provide three months step-by-step
roadmap to learn data analysis skills
assuming you do four hours of dedicated
study every single day now you don't
need to have any prior background you
could be a mechanical engineer
Cover Image to learn data analyst
or even a person working in
totally different non-technical field
you can still follow this roadmap using
online free resources
do four hours study every day and you
can learn essential skills that can help
you become a data analyst
first skill: Microsoft excel
Believe it or not
in the industry microsoft excel
is still late the most popular data
crunching tool
so if your data set is smaller
most of the time data analyst and data
scientists will be doing some type of
data analysis in microsoft excel now you
need to know certain features such as
basic data filter functionality
vba macros pivot table doing basic
charts and plots and things like that
your first excel data science project
could be managing your own personal
on google docs there is a template
gallery for personal finances so if you
click on this link you will find
these templates where you can track your
monthly incomes and expenses so if you
click on lesson monthly budget you will
find this excel file
where you can enter all your monthly
expenses and then it will tell you how
much money is left after doing all these
expenses so you're doing subtraction
basically and you can also maintain
detailed transaction now in this excel
file if you look at any
of these cells you see the formula at
the top
at the top so these are the formulas
that you want to learn so that you can
create nice visualizations like this
because as a data scientist or data
analyst you will be involved in creating
these kind of visualization charts and
so on
and working on your own personal
finances help you with that you can also
do annual budget tracking where
in one sheet you are maintaining all
your monthly expenses on children that
education and so on in the other sheet
you have all your income
and then you get a nice summary so if
you look at
these charts right see they have these
formulas so these are the formulas you
want to learn
if you look at
like different cells
you will see how they come up with these
kind of
visualizations in excel
what you want to do is you want to
create your own excel file that can
maintain your monthly expenses and
income and in the end you can plot the
trends in which month you are having the
maximum expense
what is your trend of income overall
month to month is it increasing or not
so all of this you will be able to do in
excel and in the end you are producing a
tool which is helping you
so this gives you
a mental reward and you can continue on
your learning journey with passion
there is this another website which has
a lot of templates so i i downloaded
this family budget planner and if you
look at that
you will see
nice a planner like this where
you can plot even these kind of bar
charts see if you look at this bar chart
there is some formula being used and
this is the formula that you want to
learn so if you feel all these numbers
here you will see these charts being
updated so your goal is to
take inspiration from these files and
you create your own uh budget tracker
that will be the best beginner excel
project that you can work on
there is a youtube channel called chandu
and i suggest that you learn excel
things from here this guy is great he
excel really well he also has this
website called
so if you are looking for any excel
related help
refer to this website and a youtube
while you're learning excel you also
want to tackle statistics because
statistics is
used everywhere so the first resource i
suggest is can academy's basic course so
if you look at this course
it has a
very nice explanation using
visualization it also has exercises so
make sure you complete this course and
you will learn
basic things about what is normal
distribution the inferential statistics
the descriptive statistics
probability the sample distribution
uh summarizing quantitative data and so
on these are the concepts you want to
start with and as you do more projects
you can learn
advanced topics there is also a youtube
channel for khan academy so if you are
if you like watching youtube you can
watch the videos here as well but if you
want that course you will get a benefit
of doing exercises so i suggest doing
that versus a youtube channel
there is another youtube channel by
martin states lecture
this is also another great platform
where you can learn things like
different kind of charts
histogram and density plots box plot is
used for
outlier removal so you want to learn all
these basic things
the other channel that i suggest is stat
quest with joe stremmer
this person explains complex concepts in
a very simple manner using
visualizations so if you have any doubt
statistics any topic you're not sure
about please refer to this channel after
spending first two weeks in learning
excel and statistics you should spend
next three weeks which is week number
three four and five in learning bi tools
such as power bi tableau and qlik sense
these are the three most popular tools
in the industry
but you can learn just one or two tools
even if you learn one tool that should
be good enough now these tools allow you
to connect to
different data sources it could be excel
mysql or mongodb
and you can pull the data and build
dashboards and
different analytics so for bi tools as i
said three weeks
if you want to learn power bi i have a
complete power bi
sales insights project series where i
took a real-time
scenario real life scenario and i work
with my friend who is working for a data
analyst company in
and we together did this project so this
project is solving a real life problem
using power bi and this project
it covers uh how projects are executed
in corporate environment in a
professional manner so doing this
project series will not only learn you
teach you the technical skills but it
will give you a glimpse of what happens
in the corporate life so you you build
some soft skills as well such as project
management for example we we talked
about aims grid in
one of these initial videos so that
touches based on how projects
such as data analysis projects are
managed overall
for tableau you can
follow this particular
playlist for
tableau again there is another playlist
that i recommend you follow so you can
just look at this playlist these are
available on youtube and you can learn
these things on your own now one thing
to keep in mind is that
you want to spend
only only small amount of time in each
of these topics and you want to move on
to the next topic it's not like you
spend six months just learning excel and
statistics you should just have some
basic knowledge move on to the next
topic move on to the next topic and at
the end of the three months you would
have covered
uh the basics of all different topics
and then you can start working on
projects projects are very important so
your learning will be a continuous
process it's not like you learn these
things for three months and and that's
it you will be constantly learning the
the new things but these three months
base learning will set a solid base for
you so that you can continue your
journey smoothly the next important
thing is python programming language
sometimes people prefer r as well but if
you're confused you always go with
python you want to spend week number six
and seven in python
now these two weeks
you will learn just the basics of the
programming language now many people are
afraid of programming language they'll
be like oh how am i going to learn
coding is not my cup of tea
well python is very very easy even a
high school student can learn it so give
it a try remove all those biases that
you have in your brain that you are not
mean for coding python is like english
okay it's super easy
so just do it do not give excuses
for python i have a very easy to follow
tutorial playlist so if you click on
this link you will find this list where
you need to follow only first 16
tutorials now i have exercised this as
well for these tutorials so if you
go to this particular folder you see
this folder
and if you go to all these individual
folders for example read and write file
i have an exercise here so after
watching the video if you do these
exercises it will consolidate your
understanding and your python
programming improve a whole lot
if you want to see python tutorials in
then i have hindi tutorials as well so
you can just say code basics hindi
and then that will show you
my hindi tutorials so
these things are very very easy it can
be done in a matter of two weeks
you should spend next two weeks week
number eight and nine in learning
numpy pandas and data visualization
numpy and pandas are essential libraries
in python that allows you to do data
analytics for example pandas has a thing
called a data frame which is a
two dimensional it's it's a two it's a
table actually which allows you to do
sql type operation in memory
i have a playlist for both of this so if
you look at numpy
like four videos 10 minutes it shouldn't
take you long time to go over this then
for pandas you need to follow only nine
tutorials i have complete list but
only first nine videos are good enough
after you learn num python and pandas
you also need to learn about
visualization library you can learn
either matplotlib or c bond you don't
need to learn both and i have tutorials
for both of it so matplot and cbon
and matplot again
seven videos six minutes each so friends
how much time does it take like six
minutes each seven videos 40 minutes you
will be done
after you learned all these skills it's
important that you apply those skills to
on some projects for that i recommend
you go to kegel and look at all the
notebooks and the data sets that we have
see if you go to notebooks you will find
many notebooks
there will be many notebooks which will
be for machine learning you don't need
to worry about machine learning as a
data analyst so look at the notebooks
which are
focused on data exploration and data
usually when you're doing machine
learning project like the first
part of your project is always data
exploration so just do that and skip the
machine learning part
you can find many public data sets in
kegel so you see ux selection data set
so take these data sets and try to do
analysis in
pandas numpy
after you spent two weeks on this
the remaining wicks
should be spent in learning sql
i mentioned mongodb here but it's okay
if you don't even learn mongodb
now let me close
all of the tabs now for sql
can academy's sql course is highly
recommended here you will understand the
basics of relational database what is
primary key foreign key joins
relationship between the
the table the sql queries and so on
khan academy is
very good it is a non-profit uh portal
it has videos exercises it is so good
it's very easy to understand even even a
stupid person can learn sql so easily by
following this course and there is this
could have anchored playlist which i rec
keep on recommending all the time here
also you need to watch only first 16
now this three month learning is not
just about technical skills you need to
learn some soft skills so the first
thing is how do you learn anything
effectively for that i put together a
where i'm talking about basically
less time on input and spending more
time on output this is based on nissan
qasi badla's
theory on how you can learn anything
really fast so watch this video simple
four minute video but
you will learn how to learn things very
effectively so when you start this three
month journey the first thing is
watching this video so that you can
follow that discipline during remaining
three months
group learning is very important if you
try to learn these skills on your own
you know you might
be get demotivated so for group learning
i have this discord server
you know accept the invite whatever
where you can find different channels on
my discord server and you can find
uh your partners in this partner and
group finder group you can find partners
and you can
make a group and do this study together
having a partner
will uh
create an accountability also if you
have a question you can always discuss
so if you do group study it is always
always the best thing i have different
other different channels where you can
you know discuss different topics such
as python sql and so on so make use of
this discord channel
i also mention
different books and resources
think stats this is a free pdf book on
good book on statistics is naked
statistic this is not free you have to
buy it
i also have videos on see i have like
four videos on mechanical engineers
uh transitioning to data analyst for
example this video i did with my good
friend hemann who is a data analyst
manager in a company working for a
company in uk
mentioned his story about
you know how he transitioned from
mechanical engineer background to a data
analyst background i have another video
of chinmay who also did the same
transition mechanical engineer two data
analyst and then i have a video with
where he transitioned from bcomp to a
data analysis so by watching all these
you are learning a concrete skills let's
say you are doing bcom right now and you
want to do become a data analyst you can
some tips from hitesh here and you can
make use of them
after you learn these skills it's not
like someone is going to give you a job
these are the base skills which makes
your foundation solid
but after that you have to work on
projects you have to work on as many
projects as you can
now i only have a sales inside project
series on my channel i'm planning to do
project on tableau
and i might have more projects uh on my
channel in future so if you're watching
this video in the future
you will find all the useful links below
but if you don't then
find try to find projects on your own
and make a solid project portfolio
after that
you need to build a solid resume for
resume also i have done couple of uh
on a resume review with some experienced
data analyst and i have some
data analysis resume templates as well
all the links are in video description
below and you can
use those
resources to build a solid resume and
then there are some tips on how to build
connections on linkedin etc so try to
make connections with
data analysts who are already working in
the industry so when their company is
hiring maybe you can use those
connection to get some referral and get
interview calls so overall
it will be a long process
three months is just to learn base case
after that it might be many many months
before you get a job