How YouTube Search Works : 5+ Best Tips Myth and Truth about YouTube Search for youtube channel

How YouTube Search Works : 5+ Best Tips Myth and Truth about YouTube Search for youtube channel 

 Like Google’s search engine, search on YouTube strives to surface the most relevant results according to keyword queries. Videos are ranked based on a variety of factors including how well the title, description, and video content match the viewer’s query. 

Beyond that, we look at which videos have driven the most engagement for a query, and make sure it’s easy for viewers to find those. Search results are not a list of the most-viewed videos for a given query.

 Best Tips Myth and Truth about YouTube Search for youtube channel 

• See what words people use to find your channel in the YouTube Analytics Traffic Sources report by clicking in the ‘YouTube Search’ box. 

• Consider incorporating the most relevant search terms for each of your new videos. You can add them as titles and descriptions -- as long as they’re accurate (and not excessive).

• Consider implementing YouTube’s Translation tools to reach an international audience.

• Brainstorm new video ideas by looking at search results for popular and less competitive queries. Identify opportunities to serve an audience that isn’t already well-served.

• Remember to check the ‘trending’ tab for topics that appeal to you or may be specific to your niche.

MYTH About Youtube Search 

 "My videos have fully optimized titles and descriptions. Why don’t they rank higher?"

TRUTH About Youtube Search 

Search considers many signals, including the watch time of a particular video for a particular query.

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