How much I have to spend on my company's digital marketing efforts ? Follow two simple steps to knows calculation

How much I have to spend on my company's digital marketing efforts ? Follow two simple steps to know calculation

It can be a dilemma to understand how much to spend on your marketing efforts but some methods can help you determine your exact marketing budget. 

Your marketing budget highly depends on the size of your business, and it is foremost to analyse the exact period for which you have been in the sales. 

Here are a Two simple steps on how to determine the budget for your company's digital marketing.

Steps 1 : Revenue calculation of your company

Before setting any budget for marketing, you must analyse the gross revenue of your company.

 Your company's accountant or salesperson can figure it out for you.

Steps 2 : Keep an ideal range budget for your marketing.

For a newly established business, marketing costs can go up nearly 12-20%. If you have an old business, your marketing costs can be less than this. 

Moreover, determine the ROI of any marketing campaign and marketing strategy that drives better results for your business and spend on that.