How to say [ good morning ] in Sindhi Language ( Sindh and Indo-Aryan Language )

 How to say [ good morning ] in Sindhi Language ( Sindh and Indo-Aryan Language )

Peoples are searching for How to say [ good morning ] in Sindhi Language ( Sindh and Indo-Aryan Language ) Sindhi Language is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in the region of Sindh and parts of Balochistan in the western part of the Indian subcontinent by the Sindhi people. According to report 32 millions native speakers in Sindhi language globally.

It is the official language of the Pakistani province of Sindh. The name "Sindhi" is derived from the Sanskrit sindhu, the original name of the Indus River and the surrounding region, which is where Sindhi is spoken.

It is the month when a great writer, known as the 'Father of modern Sindhi literature', Mirza Qaleech Baig in the beautiful city of Hyderabad, and his birth anniversary is observed during this month.

The earliest written reference to Sindhi dates back to the 2nd century AD. The language is thought to have evolved from an ancient Prakrit brought to Sindh by early settlers from Northeast and Northwest India. Sindh was conquered by Dravidian-speaking invaders around 4,000 BC.

Sindhi has an attested history from the 10th century CE, before which it is unclear how it relates to local varieties of Middle Indo-Aryan languages. Sindhi was one of the first languages of South Asia to encounter influence from Persian and Arabic following the Umayyad conquest in 712 CE.

ماڻهو ڳولهي رهيا آهن ته ڪيئن چئجي [صبح جو سلام] سنڌي ٻوليءَ ۾ (سنڌ ۽ هند-آريائي ٻولي) سنڌي ٻولي هڪ هند-آريائي ٻولي آهي جيڪا سنڌ جي علائقي ۽ بلوچستان جي ڪجهه حصن ۾ ڳالهائي وڃي ٿي. سنڌي ماڻهو. رپورٽ موجب سڄي دنيا ۾ سنڌي ٻولي ڳالهائيندڙن جو انگ 32 ملين آهي.

اها پاڪستاني صوبي سنڌ جي سرڪاري ٻولي آهي. ”سنڌي“ نالو سنسڪرت سنڌي مان ورتل آهي، اصل نالو سنڌو درياهه ۽ ان جي ڀر واري علائقي جو آهي، جتي سنڌي ڳالهائي وڃي ٿي.

هي اهو مهينو آهي، جڏهن سنڌ جي خوبصورت شهر حيدرآباد ۾ هڪ عظيم اديب، جنهن کي جديد سنڌي ادب جو باباءِ چيو وڃي ٿو، مرزا قليچ بيگ جو جنم ڏينهن آهي ۽ سندس جنم ڏينهن به هن مهيني ۾ ملهايو پيو وڃي.

سنڌيءَ جو سڀ کان پهريون لکيل حوالو ٻي صدي عيسويءَ جو آهي. اهو خيال آهي ته ٻولي هڪ قديم پراڪرت مان ترقي ڪئي وئي آهي، جيڪا اتر اوڀر ۽ اتر اولهه هندستان جي شروعاتي آبادين طرفان سنڌ ۾ آئي هئي. 4000 ق.م ڌاري دراوڙي ڳالهائيندڙن سنڌ فتح ڪئي.

سنڌي 10 صدي عيسويءَ کان هڪ تصديق ٿيل تاريخ آهي، جنهن کان اڳ اهو واضح ناهي ته اهو وچين هند-آريائي ٻولين جي مقامي قسمن سان ڪيئن لاڳاپو رکي ٿو. 712ع ۾ اموي فتح کان پوءِ سنڌي، ڏکڻ ايشيا جي پهرين ٻولين مان هڪ هئي، جنهن تي فارسي ۽ عربيءَ جو اثر پيو.

Good = سٺو

Morning = صبح

Good Morning = صبح جو سلام

Good Morning Image In Sindhi Language
Good Morning Image In Sindhi Language

FAQ about good morning in Sindhi Language 

Q. How to say good morning in Sindhi language ?

صبح جو سلام

Q. How to say good morning in Sindhi and Indo-Aryan Language ?

صبح جو سلام

Q. How many native speakers in Sindhi language ?

- 32 millions native speakers in Sindhi language globally wide.

Q. Who invented Sindhi language ?

It is the month when a great writer, known as the 'Father of modern Sindhi literature', Mirza Qaleech Baig, in the beautiful city of Hyderabad, and his birth anniversary is observed during this month.The earliest written reference to Sindhi dates back to the 2nd century AD. The language is thought to have evolved from an ancient Prakrit brought to Sindh by early settlers from Northeast and Northwest India. Sindh was conquered by Dravidian-speaking invaders around 4,000 BC.

Q. Where dose Sindhi language originate ?

- The origin of Sindhi pronunciation is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in the region of Sindh in the western part of the Indian subcontinent by the Sindhi people. The name "Sindhi" is derived from the Sanskrit sindhu, the original name of the Indus River and the surrounding region, which is where Sindhi is spoken. Like other languages of the Indo-Aryan family, Sindhi is descended from Old Indo-Aryan (Sanskrit) via Middle Indo-Aryan.