How to say [ good morning ] in Sundanese Language ( Basa Sunda and Malayo-Polynesian Language )

 How to say [ good morning ] in Sundanese Language ( Basa Sunda and Malayo-Polynesian Language )

Peoples are searching for How to say [ good morning ] in Sundanese Language ( Basa Sunda and Malayo-Polynesian Language ) Sundanese Language is a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken by the Sundanese. According to report 42 millions native speakers in Sundanese language globally.

Sundanese, one of the three principal ethnic groups of the island of Java, Indonesia. The Sundanese, estimated to number about 32 million in the early 21st century, are a highland people of western Java, distinguished from the Javanese mainly by their language and their more demonstrative approach to Islam.

The Sunda or Sundanese are an indigenous ethnic group native to the western region of Java island in Indonesia. 

Sundanese can be dated back to around the 14th century, carved on inscriptions in the Kawali area, West Java. That is what scholars refer to them as the old Sundanese language.

Masarakat keur néangan Cara ngucapkeun [ wilujeng enjing ] dina Basa Sunda ( Basa Sunda jeung Malayo-Polynésian Language ) Basa Sunda nyaéta basa Malayo-Polinesia nu dipaké ku urang Sunda. Numutkeun laporan 42 jutaan panyatur asli dina basa Sunda sacara global.

Sunda, salah sahiji tina tilu suku bangsa utama pulo Jawa, Indonésia. Urang Sunda, diperkirakeun jumlahna kira-kira 32 juta dina awal abad ka-21, mangrupakeun jalma dataran luhur Jawa barat, dibédakeun ti urang Jawa utamana ku basa maranéhanana sarta pendekatan leuwih demonstratif Islam.

Urang Sunda atawa Sunda mangrupa hiji etnis pribumi anu asalna ti wewengkon kulon pulo Jawa di Indonésia.

Basa Sunda bisa aya dina kira-kira abad ka-14, diukir dina prasasti di wewengkon Kawali, Jawa Barat. Kitu nu disebut ku para ulama salaku basa Sunda Kuna.

Good = Alus

Morning = Isuk-isuk

Good Morning = Wilujeng énjing

Good Morning Image In Sundanese Language
Good Morning Image In Sundanese Language

FAQ about good morning in Sundanese Language

Q. How to say good morning in Sundanese language ?

Wilujeng énjing

Q. How to say good morning in Basa Sunda and Malayo-Polynesian Language ?

Wilujeng énjing

Q. How many native speakers in Sundanese language ?

- 42 millions native speakers in Sundanese language globally wide.

Q. What is Sundanese language ?

The Sunda or Sundanese are an indigenous ethnic group native to the western region of Java island in Indonesia.Sundanese, one of the three principal ethnic groups of the island of Java, Indonesia. In the early 21st century, are a highland people of western Java, distinguished from the Javanese mainly by their language and their more demonstrative approach to Islam.

Q. What is the origin of Sundanese language ?

- The origin of the Sundanese are of Austronesian origins who are thought to have originated in Taiwan. They migrated through the Philippines and reached Java between 1,500 BC and 1,000 BC.