How to say [ Good morning ] in Xhosa Language ( isiXhosa and Nguni Language )
How to say [ good morning ] in Xhosa Language ( isiXhosa and Nguni Language )
Peoples are searching for How to say [ good morning ] in Xhosa Language ( isiXhosa and Nguni Language ) Xhosa Language is also isiXhosa as an endonym, is a Nguni language. According to report 11 millions native speakers in Xhosa language globally.
Xhosa is the official languages of South Africa and Zimbabwe.
The word “Xhosa” is derived from the Khoisan language and means “angry men”. Most of the languages in South Africa that involve tongue-clicking originate from the indigenous Khoisan people, who included plenty of different clicks in their speech and language.
The Xhosa language is a Niger-Congo language, of the Bantu language branch. It has been a language that has existed in the southeastern African area for hundreds of years, since before the 16th century.
Historical evidence suggests that the Xhosa people have inhabited the Eastern Cape area from as long ago as 1593 and most probably even before that. Some archaeological evidence has been discovered that suggests that Xhosa-speaking people have lived in the area since the 7th century AD.
Good = Kulungile
Morning = Ntseni
Good Morning = Molweni ekuseni
Good Morning Image In Xhosa Language
FAQ about good morning in Xhosa Language
Q. How to say good morning in Xhosa language ?
- Molweni ekuseni
Q. How to say good morning in isiXhosa and Nguni Language ?
- Molweni ekuseni
Q. How many native speakers in Xhosa language ?
- 11 millions native speakers in Xhosa language globally wide.
Q. Who invented Xhosa language ?
- The word “Xhosa” is derived from the Khoisan language and means “angry men”. Most of the languages in South Africa that involve tongue-clicking originate from the indigenous Khoisan people, who included plenty of different clicks in their speech and language.
Q. What is the origin of Xhosa language ?
- The origin of Xhosa language, Xhosa formerly spelled Xosa, a Bantu language spoken by seven million people in South Africa, especially in Eastern province. Xhosa is a member of the Southeastern, or Nguni, subgroup of the Bantu group of the Benue-Congo branch of the Niger-Congo language family.