Understand How Distinction of [ Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset ] helps you to think better for your Life
Understand How the Distinction of [ Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset ] helps you to think better for your Life
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'Who You Are vs 'Who You Are Being'. Mindset
1. What’s the first question you ask someone when you meet for the first time?
2. What’s the first question you prepare to answer for when you’ll meet someone?
3. What’s the first question most of your activities are focused on?
It's that ONE BIG question, “Who are you?”
(In its various forms, of course.)
Whether it’s about…
1. Which program would you like to join in graduation?
2. What would you like to choose in your higher education?
3. Which industry would you like to build your career in?
4. Which certifications and courses would you like to add?
5. Which organizations would you like to be a member of?
6. Which companies would you like to work in?
7. Which books would you like to read?
8. Which blogs would you like to follow? or
9. Who would you like to network with?
Almost every choice you were subconsciously led towards was all about 'defining' and 'designing' you as the answer to this ONE question, “Who are you?”
It’s as if you invest your whole life to become your RESUME or your JOB PROFILE.
And one day when you meet someone who you would like to propose and they ask you, “Who are you?”
Guess what your answer would be.
You are smart!
As if you are interviewing for a job and as if you don’t have anything about you other than your JOB PROFILE.
That’s exactly what happens when you treat yourself like a PRODUCT.
Remember, you are not a PRODUCT.
You are not STATIC. You are DYNAMIC.
You are happening NOW… NOW… and NOW!
That’s the difference between seeing yourself as a PRODUCT versus seeing yourself as THE PROCESS.
You answer a different question when you see yourself as a PROCESS.
The question would be, “Who am I being?”
“What am I being as a SON?”
“What am I being as a DAD/MOM?”
“What am I being as a SPOUSE?”
“What am I being as a FRIEND?”
“What am I being as a COLLEAGUE?”
“What am I being as an EMPLOYEE?”
“What am I being as a CEO?”
“What am I being as a LEADER?”
“What am I being as an ENTERPRENUER?”
“What am I being as a CREATOR?”
“What am I being as a CITIZEN?” and
“What am I being as LIFE?”
See the distinction?
You feel powerless when you see yourself as a FINISHED PRODUCT.
You feel empowered when you see yourself as an ONGOING PROCESS.
Change what you ASK. Change who you BE.
‘Being’ is all about becoming the right vessel for life to express itself through.
‘Being’ is all about exercising your power to choose, NOW.
So ask yourself, "Who am I being?"
And DECIDE who you want to BE.