Good Weakness for Interview Examples

 Good Weakness for Interview Examples

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Cover Image of  Good Weakness for Interview Examples

"I struggle with time management at times, so I've started using a calendar and to-do list to stay organized and make sure I stay on top of my tasks."

"I sometimes have a hard time delegating tasks, because I want to make sure they are done correctly. But I've been working on trusting my team more and giving them more responsibilities."

"I can be a bit of an introvert, so networking and public speaking can be challenging for me. But I've been working on developing my public speaking skills by taking a class and practicing with friends."

"I have a tendency to be too critical of myself, which can affect my confidence. To counteract this, I try to remind myself of my accomplishments and to celebrate my successes, no matter how small."

"I can be a bit of a procrastinator, so I have been using the Pomodoro Technique to break down my work into smaller chunks and stay on track with my tasks."

Note: By giving examples like these you are showing your self-awareness and your ability to take initiative and take steps to improve.

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