IMDB [ Top 50 + movies all time ] with rating add to your bucket list

IMDB  Top 50 + movies all time with rating add to your bucket list  

Cover Image of IMDB  [ Top 50 + movies all time ] with rating add to your bucket list
Cover Image of IMDB  [ Top 50 + movies all time ] with rating add to your bucket list 

IMDB  Top 50 + movies all time with rating 

1The Shawshank Redemption9.2
2The Godfather9.2
3The Godfather: Part II9.0
4The Dark Knight9.0
5Pulp Fiction8.9
6The Good, the Bad and the Ugly8.9
7Fight Club8.8
8The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King8.9
9Forrest Gump8.7
10One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest8.7
13The Matrix8.7
14Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back8.8
15Seven Samurai8.6
16City of God8.7
17The Silence of the Lambs8.6
18The Prestige8.5
19The Departed8.5
21The Green Mile8.5
22The Lion King8.5
23The Great Dictator8.5
24The Shawshank Redemption8.5
25Apocalypse Now8.5
27The Godfather: Part III8.3
28American Beauty8.4
29The Sopranos9.1
30Taxi Driver8.3
31The Godfather: Part II8.3
32The Dark Knight Rises8.5
34Gone with the Wind8.2
35The Prestige8.4
36The Shawshank Redemption8.4
37The Godfather8.2
38The Godfather: Part II8.2
39The Good, the Bad and the Ugly8.3
40Pulp Fiction8.3
41Fight Club8.1
42The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King8.3
43Forrest Gump8.1
44One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest8.1
47The Matrix8.1
48Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back8.3
49Seven Samurai8.0
50City of God8.2
51The Silence of the Lambs8.0
52The Prestige8.0
53The Departed8.0
55The Green Mile8.0
56The Lion King8.0
57The Great Dict