What is the Importance of Technical SEO?

What is the importance of Technical SEO?

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Undertsand Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the practice of optimizing a website's technical infrastructure and backend in order to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). This includes optimizing the website's structure, code, and architecture, as well as its speed, performance, and mobile-friendliness. Technical SEO also includes ensuring that a website is easily crawlable and indexable by search engines and that it is compliant with web accessibility standards. Technical SEO is an important aspect of SEO, as it lays the foundation for a website to be easily found and understood by search engines, and to provide a good user experience for visitors. This includes tasks such as creating and optimizing XML sitemaps, implementing structured data, configuring the server and website redirects, setting up and validating Google Search Console accounts, and more.

 Improves crawlability: Technical SEO ensures that a website is easy for search engines to crawl and index, making it more likely to be included in SERPs.

Increases website speed: Technical SEO can help to improve website speed and performance, which is a ranking factor for many search engines.

Enhances user experience: Technical SEO can also enhance the user experience by making a website easier to navigate and use.

Increases mobile-friendliness: With mobile usage rapidly increasing, technical SEO makes sure that the website is mobile-friendly and can be easily viewed on a wide range of devices.

Enhances website security: Technical SEO can help to improve website security by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities.

Increases website accessibility: Technical SEO can help to increase website accessibility for users with disabilities by ensuring that the website is compliant with web accessibility standards.

Enhances website architecture: Technical SEO also improves the overall website architecture making it easy to navigate and understand

Provides valuable insights: Technical SEO can provide valuable insights into how a website is performing and identify areas for improvement.

 Technical SEO is actually a part of on-page SEO that’s why to go through the following list :

SEO friendly URL

title tag optimization

meta description optimization

heading tags optimization

meta tags optimization

anchor tag optimization

keywords density

content grammer optimization

keyword cannibalism

alt tag optimization

image optimization

Internal and external linking

plagiarism optimization

sitemap xml

sitemap html


canonical tag

broken links

404 redirect

301 and 302 redirect

schema markup

meta open graph

twitter card

website speed

mobile optimization

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