Subtlety Sneaking in… Stress | How to Manage Stress By Vaibhavii Naik
Subtlety Sneaking in… Stress | How to Manage Stress
I love to be interactive… so nothing better than beginning with a question …
Cover Image of Subtlety Sneaking in… Stress | How to Manage Stress By Vaibhavii Naik
Can stress kill us?
How common is stress today?
today's scenario, stress is more popular than pizza and more frequent than
morning tea… talking about everyone
around us, including me… since childhood - Right from the time of birth, till
the last breath an individual is consistently and constantly exposed to various
distressing situations …. Furthermore, this modern world which is said to be
the universe of cutting edge competition and extreme achievements, is also,
obviously a world of super stress … because achievements are directly
proportional to Stress… In what has been called the age of Intellectuals or
Savvy millennials… in this era, stress is presented very proudly… it has given
birth to a generation that is full to the brim with stress… Now, Allow me to
pose 1 more important Question for all of you -
Is stress helpful?
How positive can stress be?
Even though we now know the historic reason
for the biological presence of stress, the moment we hear the word stress what
emotion comes to our mind? +ve emotions or -ve…? One might be taking stress to
succeed or for achieving some goal… it is positive to quite an extent but it
can still have some negative impact … if not tackled properly, we wouldn't even
realize when and in what ways, it becomes harmful to us …
How Harmful is stress actually?
I think all of us also know that repetitive
exposure to stress - like When we don't do anything about a problem but keep on
ruminating about it - it's similar to the failure of an electrical device due
to overheating Or like the combustion process wherein a substance eventually
reduces to nothing. For example, a physical Burnout… burnout is a stress
response by the body and includes several long lasting psychological and
Physical health issues like blood pressure, cholesterol, sugar, heart disease,
anxiety, depression, i actually got scared when i learnt how long the list is …
How to manage stress?
First let's talk about how to measure it…
Quoting what I remember from some forwarded video by a doctor: “Give 0 to the lowest level of stress you experience
and 10 to the highest level of stress you can possibly experience… Now, analyze your stress and find out how
much you can endure without getting irritated, exhausted, or exasperated… this range is the Optimal Level Of Stress. if
we cross the optimal level, it is extremely harmful…" So, Try not to
stress yourself beyond this level. Remain conscious of the gap between your
reality and the expectations in your life…
Keep making efforts to bridge that gap by…. Clearly setting your
expectations when you make a request.… not assuming that people will
understand… Helping them be more clear about your expectations through
effective communication.…
What prevents burnout?
Please tell me, friends, when you are under
stress, how do you identify, what is stressing you, and what different ways of
coping with stress can you create by linking it to both your mental and
physical well-being…? Of course, all of us have to meet the demands of our
daily lives, expectations of people
around us …… Usually, there is a conflict of some kind, or a risk, or a
threat that causes stress… … & if we are lucky to escape all these, the
modern vices like comparisons, gp between expectations & reality, our
mundane routine is always there to plague our peace of mind… so some stress
would always there for these or some other reasons, nevertheless, never forget
it's your right to relax… to relieve yourself from stress… and if you are not
doing anything about it, it can mean only one thing: you don't love yourself,
don't prioritize yourself enough… you have been playing your part to the best
extent you could for those around and it's high time, you need to instantly
start focusing on your mental health…
But How do you do it…?
Know yourself better
Find out your own defense mechanisms,
fortify them…
Keep a note of things that annoy
you as well as those which make you feel better…
Have a list of your achievements
handy… this will remind you to feel good about yourself when all odds are
against you
Along with a list of friends you can
call … people who make you feel lighter
and happier…
Practice self love…
Read and listen to stuff that aids
you with time management, work life balance, emotional management, and more of
Be more respectful to people,
communicate with clarity and try to avoid conflicts… might not be possible
every time so learn conflict resolution mechanics… like Knowing your conflict
style.... … Forming stronger bonds with others…
Do Not hesitate to reach out for
Did I mention communicating
And need I mention how helpful yog
and meditation can be…🧘♀️
conclude with an old saying that goes, "Expect nothing & accept
everything". This is practically not possible but we can try to "expect less & understand, accept &
adjust more."...