110+ Synonyms of keen

110+ Synonyms of keen

Cover Image of 110+ Synonyms of keen
Cover Image of 110+ Synonyms of keen

 Here are 110+ synonyms of the word "keen":

1. Sharp

2. Acute

3. Astute

4. Clever

5. Smart

6. Intelligent

7. Perceptive

8. Observant

9. Shrewd

10. Quick-witted

11. Discerning

12. Penetrating

13. Sagacious

14. Bright

15. Incisive

16. Quick

17. Alert

18. Ingenious

19. Nimble

20. Resourceful

21. Brainy

22. Canny

23. Adept

24. Intuitive

25. Savvy

26. Expert

27. Witty

28. Precise

29. Sensitive

30. Analytical

31. Adroit

32. Proficient

33. Diplomatic

34. Polished

35. Well-informed

36. Competent

37. Versatile

38. Versed

39. Cunning

40. Artful

41. Deft

42. Fine

43. Bright-minded

44. Thoughtful

45. Talented

46. Wise

47. Wiseacre

48. Crafty

49. Intellectual

50. Knowing

51. Genius

52. Observative

53. Inventive

54. Imaginative

55. Rational

56. Reflective

57. Contemplative

58. Critical

59. Cognizant

60. Conscious

61. Rational

62. Rationalistic

63. Sagacious

64. Street-smart

65. Perceptual

66. Astucious

67. Agile

68. Sharp-witted

69. Skilled

70. Seasoned

71. Educated

72. Learned

73. Philosopher

74. Logical

75. Quick-thinking

76. Discriminating

77. Intellectualist

78. Knowledgeable

79. Scholarly

80. Informed

81. Well-read

82. Capable

83. Adept

84. Sharp-eyed

85. Clear-sighted

86. Dexterous

87. Farsighted

88. Gifted

89. Precocious

90. Apprehensive

91. Aware

92. Sussing

93. Superior

94. Thought-provoking

95. Worldly

96. Well-advised

97. Well-judged

98. Keen-witted

99. Aware

100. Keen-eyed

101. Keen-minded

102. Keen-sighted

103. Keen-thinking

104. Keen-minded

105. Keen-witted

106. Keen-sighted

107. Keen-thinking

108. Perceptive

109. Discerning

110. Sensible

111. Reasonable

112. Insightful

113. Responsive

114. Imaginative

115. Enterprising

116. Forensic

117. Investigative

118. Precipitate

119. Pointed

120. Intense

121. Eager

122. Excited

123. Ardent

124. Enthusiastic

125. Passionate

126. Fervent

127. Zealous

128. Avid

129. Fanatical

130. Devoted

131. Eager

132. Hungry

133. Fierce

134. Intent

135. Impassioned

136. Fiery

137. Spirited

138. Animated

139. Determined

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