140+ Synonyms of Brief

140+ Synonyms of Brief

Cover Image of 140+ Synonyms of Brief
Cover Image of 140+ Synonyms of Brief

I am sharing 140+ synonyms of the word "brief":

1. Short

2. Concise

3. Succinct

4. Compact

5. Terse

6. Curt

7. Pithy

8. Laconic

9. Abridged

10. Compendious

11. Condensed

12. Abridged

13. Clipped

14. Compressed

15. Compact

16. Crisp

17. Cursory

18. Summary

19. Precise

20. Epigrammatic

21. Aphoristic

22. Synoptic

23. Sententious

24. Compact

25. Briefed

26. Limited

27. Little

28. Shortened

29. Concise

30. Tight

31. Curtailed

32. Cogent

33. Outline

34. Rapid

35. Quick

36. Swift

37. Fleeting

38. Temporary

39. Transient

40. Ephemeral

41. Fleeting

42. Temporary

43. Transitory

44. Short-lived

45. Fleeting

46. Temporary

47. Momentary

48. Passing

49. Instant

50. Evasive

51. Fleeting

52. Temporary

53. Temporary

54. Momentary

55. Passing

56. Instantaneous

57. Instant

58. Rapid

59. Quick

60. Swift

61. Hasty

62. Brisk

63. Lively

64. Abrupt

65. Impatient

66. Sudden

67. Sharp

68. Incisive

69. Snappy

70. Terse

71. Short-spoken

72. To the point

73. Rundown

74. Synoptic

75. Thumbnail

76. Abbreviated

77. Abbreviate

78. Abridge

79. Compress

80. Trim

81. Contracted

82. Reduced

83. Decreased

84. Lessened

85. Shrunken

86. Smaller

87. Minimized

88. Concentrated

89. Limited

90. Precis

91. Capsule

92. Abstract

93. Digest

94. Tersely

95. Compactness

96. Concision

97. Brevity

98. Shortness

99. Transient

100. Transitory

101. Temporary

102. Fleeting

103. Momentary

104. Short-term

105. Curtailed

106. Briefly

107. Transitoriness

108. Ephemeralness

109. Fleetingness

110. Momentariness

111. Fugitive

112. Passing

113. Temporal

114. Episodic

115. Sporadic

116. Immediate

117. Now

118. Present

119. Recent

120. Little while

121. Short interval

122. Instantaneous

123. Short-duration

124. Concisely

125. Elegantly

126. To the point

127. Clearly

128. Precisely

129. Promptly

130. Quickly

131. Swiftly

132. Briefly

133. Compendiously

134. Unelaborate

135. Abruptly

136. Tersely

137. Compactness

138. Transiently

139. Synoptically

140. Momentarily

141. Briefness

142. Ephemeralness

143. Temporariness

144. Snappily

145. Synchronously

146. Fleetingness

147. Abruptness

148. Suddenness

149. Conciseness

150. Crispness

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