List of 600+ [ Basic English Words ] Along with Simple sentences | Simple words in English

List of 600 [ Basic English words ] along with simple sentences | Simple words in English

List of 600+ [ Basic English words ] along with Simple sentences,english,basic english words,100+ Daily Use English Words for Fluent Communication,400 english words,important basic english words

 200 basic English words:

1. Apple
2. Ball
3. Cat
4. Dog
5. Elephant
6. Fish
7. Grape
8. Hat
9. Ice
10. Jam
11. Kite
12. Lemon
13. Moon
14. Nest
15. Orange
16. Pen
17. Queen
18. Rainbow
19. Sun
20. Tree
21. Umbrella
22. Van
23. Watch
24. Xylophone
25. Yellow
26. Zoo
27. Arrow
28. Banana
29. Car
30. Duck
31. Egg
32. Flower
33. Guitar
34. House
35. Igloo
36. Jelly
37. Key
38. Lamp
39. Mango
40. Note
41. Owl
42. Pizza
43. Quilt
44. Rabbit
45. Star
46. Train
47. Uniform
48. Vase
49. Water
50. Fox
51. Cactus
52. Robot
53. Globe
54. Horse
55. Chair
56. Book
57. Butterfly
58. Door
59. Hat
60. Juice
61. Kite
62. Leaf
63. Mail
64. Nose
65. Pencil
66. Quill
67. Rocket
68. Sock
69. Tiger
70. Up
71. Vest
72. Whale
73. X-ray
74. Yarn
75. Zebra
76. Box
77. Candy
78. Drum
79. Elephant
80. Feather
81. Grapes
82. Hat
83. Igloo
84. Juice
85. Kite
86. Lemon
87. Mouse
88. Nail
89. Orange
90. Pizza
91. Queen
92. Rainbow
93. Sun
94. Tree
95. Umbrella
96. Van
97. Water
98. Xylophone
99. Yellow
100. Zipper
101. Apple
102. Banana
103. Cat
104. Dog
105. Elephant
106. Fish
107. Grape
108. Hat
109. Ice
110. Jam
111. Kite
112. Lemon
113. Moon
114. Nest
115. Orange
116. Pen
117. Queen
118. Rainbow
119. Sun
120. Tree
121. Umbrella
122. Van
123. Watch
124. Xylophone
125. Yellow
126. Zoo
127. Arrow
128. Banana
129. Car
130. Duck
131. Egg
132. Flower
133. Guitar
134. House
135. Igloo
136. Jelly
137. Key
138. Lamp
139. Mango
140. Note
141. Owl
142. Pizza
143. Quilt
144. Rabbit
145. Star
146. Train
147. Uniform
148. Vase
149. Water
150. Fox
151. Cactus
152. Robot
153. Globe
154. Horse
155. Chair
156. Book
157. Butterfly
158. Door
159. Hat
160. Juice
161. Kite
162. Leaf
163. Mail
164. Nose
165. Pencil
166. Quill
167. Rocket
168. Sock
169. Tiger
170. Up
171. Vest
172. Whale
173. X-ray
174. Yarn
175. Zebra
176. Box
177. Candy
178. Drum
179. Elephant
180. Feather
181. Grapes
182. Hat
183. Igloo
184. Juice
185. Kite
186. Lemon
187. Mouse
188. Nail
189. Orange
190. Pizza
191. Queen
192. Rainbow
193. Sun
194. Tree
195. Umbrella
196. Van
197. Water
198. Xylophone
199. Yellow
200. Zipper

These words cover a range of common nouns, colors, and everyday objects.

Cover Image of List of 200 Basic English words along with simple sentences
Cover Image of List of 200 Basic English words along with simple sentences

101+ Daily Use English Words for Fluent Communication

1. Hello
2. Goodbye
3. Please
4. Thank you
5. Sorry
6. Excuse me
7. Yes
8. No
9. Maybe
10. Okay
11. Sure
12. Help
13. Friend
14. Family
15. Home
16. Work
17. School
18. Money
19. Time
20. Day
21. Night
22. Morning
23. Afternoon
24. Evening
25. Today
26. Tomorrow
27. Yesterday
28. Week
29. Month
30. Year
31. Now
32. Later
33. Soon
34. Always
35. Never
36. Sometimes
37. Here
38. There
39. Where
40. What
41. Why
42. How
43. Who
44. Which
45. Whose
46. This
47. That
48. These
49. Those
50. Big
51. Small
52. Tall
53. Short
54. Long
55. Fast
56. Slow
57. Hot
58. Cold
59. New
60. Old
61. Happy
62. Sad
63. Angry
64. Excited
65. Bored
66. Tired
67. Hungry
68. Thirsty
69. Healthy
70. Sick
71. Beautiful
72. Ugly
73. Clean
74. Dirty
75. Easy
76. Difficult
77. Simple
78. Complex
79. True
80. False
81. Right
82. Wrong
83. Safe
84. Dangerous
85. Open
86. Closed
87. Near
88. Far
89. First
90. Last
91. Next
92. Previous
93. Good
94. Bad
95. Great
96. Terrible
97. True
98. False
99. Same
100. Different
101. More
102. Less
103. Most
104. Least
105. All
106. None
107. Some
108. Few
109. Many
110. Enough
111. Always
112. Never
113. Often
114. Rarely
115. Soon
116. Late
117. Early
118. Quickly
119. Slowly
120. Hard
121. Soft
122. Loud
123. Quiet
124. Bright
125. Dark
126. Heavy
127. Light
128. Right
129. Left
130. Inside
131. Outside
132. Above
133. Below
134. Under
135. Over
136. Between
137. Among
138. Around
139. Through
140. Across

About the Above words: These words cover a range of common adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and expressions that you'll encounter in everyday conversations .

 list of 200 basic English words along with simple sentences to help you understand their meanings better:

  1. I: I am happy.
  2. you: You are my friend.
  3. he: He is tall.
  4. she: She likes ice cream.
  5. it: It is a cat.
  6. we: We play soccer.
  7. they: They study together.
  8. me: He gave me a book.
  9. him: I saw him yesterday.
  10. her: She loves her dog.
  11. us: Come with us.
  12. them: I know them well.
  13. this: This is my car.
  14. that: That is a nice house.
  15. is: The sky is blue.
  16. are: They are my siblings.
  17. was: He was happy.
  18. were: We were late.
  19. am: I am a student.
  20. be: She will be here soon.
  21. been: I have been there before.
  22. have: I have a pen.
  23. has: She has a new phone.
  24. had: They had a great time.
  25. do: I do my homework.
  26. does: She does her chores.
  27. did: He did well in the exam.
  28. will: We will go shopping.
  29. shall: Shall we dance?
  30. would: Would you like some tea?
  31. should: You should eat vegetables.
  32. can: Can you swim?
  33. could: I could ride a bike when I was young.
  34. may: May I come in?
  35. might: He might join us later.
  36. must: You must finish your work.
  37. about: Tell me about yourself.
  38. after: We will eat after the movie.
  39. against: They played against each other.
  40. among: She is among the best students.
  41. at: Meet me at the park.
  42. before: He arrived before me.
  43. between: The cat is between the chairs.
  44. by: The book was written by him.
  45. down: The ball rolled down the hill.
  46. for: This gift is for you.
  47. from: She is from Spain.
  48. in: The keys are in the drawer.
  49. into: The boy jumped into the pool.
  50. like: I like chocolate.
  51. of: A piece of cake.
  52. off: Turn the lights off.
  53. on: The TV is on.
  54. over: The bird flew over the house.
  55. to: I want to go there.
  56. toward: Walk toward the building.
  57. under: The cat is under the table.
  58. with: She went with her friend.
  59. without: He ate without a spoon.
  60. also: He is smart, and he is also kind.
  61. and: I like pizza and pasta.
  62. as: She runs as fast as a cheetah.
  63. but: I wanted to go, but I was busy.
  64. either: Either come with me or stay here.
  65. neither: Neither of them was right.
  66. or: You can have tea or coffee.
  67. nor: He didn't come, nor did he call.
  68. not: She is not here.
  69. only: The store sells only shoes.
  70. so: The weather is hot, so I am going swimming.
  71. too: The cake was delicious, and I ate too much.
  72. very: It's very hot today.
  73. any: Do you have any milk?
  74. both: Both of them won the race.
  75. each: Each student has a book.
  76. few: There are a few apples left.
  77. many: There are many birds in the sky.
  78. more: I want more ice cream.
  79. most: He is the most talented artist.
  80. no: There is no water in the bottle.
  81. other: She has two brothers and one sister, among other relatives.
  82. some: Would you like some coffee?
  83. such: It's such a beautiful day.
  84. that: The car that I bought is red.
  85. these: These shoes are too small.
  86. this: This book is interesting.
  87. those: Those apples look delicious.
  88. a: I bought a new dress.
  89. an: She wants to be an actress.
  90. the: The cat is sleeping.
  91. all: All students must attend the class.
  92. both: Both of them passed the test.
  93. half: Half of the pizza is gone.
  94. more: Give me more candy.
  95. either: You can choose either option.
  96. neither: Neither option is suitable.
  97. every: Every student should study.
  98. few: Only a few people came to the party.
  99. many: Many students attended the lecture.
  100. other: I have no other friends.
  101. such: I have never seen such a beautiful flower.
  102. another: Can I have another piece of cake?
  103. first: He came in first place.
  104. last: She was the last one to leave.
  105. one: I want one cookie, please.
  106. second: He came in second place.
  107. third: She finished in third place.
  108. somebody: Somebody called you on the phone.
  109. someone: I saw someone waiting for you.
  110. something: There is something on the table.
  111. somewhere: Let's go somewhere fun.
  112. anybody: Is anybody there?
  113. anyone: Anyone can join the club.
  114. anything: I don't want anything for my birthday.
  115. anywhere: Have you been anywhere interesting lately?
  116. nobody: Nobody knows the answer.
  117. none: None of them came to the party.
  118. nothing: There's nothing to worry about.
  119. nowhere: He is nowhere to be found.
  120. both: Both of them are very talented.
  121. each: Each student got a prize.
  122. either: You can have either the blue one or the red one.
  123. neither: Neither answer is correct.
  124. other: The other book is on the shelf.
  125. another: I need another pen.
  126. such: It was such a lovely day.
  127. enough: I have enough money.
  128. few: I have a few friends.
  129. less: There is less sugar in this cake.
  130. little: She had little time to prepare.
  131. many: Many people came to the event.
  132. more: We need more chairs.
  133. most: He is the most intelligent person I know.
  134. much: There's not much water left.
  135. several: Several students were absent.
  136. all: All the students passed the test.
  137. any: I don't have any pencils.
  138. some: I have some books to read.
  139. such: It's such a nice day.
  140. no: There are no apples left.
  141. none: None of the cookies were eaten.
  142. each: Each person received a gift.
  143. every: Every student received a certificate.
  144. either: Either choice is acceptable.
  145. neither: Neither option seems right.
  146. all: All the boys played well.
  147. both: Both of them are my friends.
  148. many: Many students attended the seminar.
  149. more: Give me more time.
  150. most: He is the most talented musician.
  151. much: I don't have much money.
  152. some: I have some work to do.
  153. such: This is such a good movie.
  154. any: Is there any water left?
  155. enough: I have enough food for everyone.
  156. little: I have a little time to spare.
  157. few: There are few people here.
  158. several: I met several friends at the party.
  159. all: All the students passed the exam.
  160. both: Both of them are doctors.
  161. each: Each student received a book.
  162. every: Every child loves ice cream.
  163. some: I have some money to lend.
  164. any: Is there any food left?
  165. enough: There's enough time to finish the task.
  166. few: Only a few people attended the meeting.
  167. little: She has little patience.
  168. many: Many people attended the concert.
  169. more: He wants more candy.
  170. most: She is the most beautiful girl.
  171. much: There is much work to do.
  172. other: I have no other siblings.
  173. several: I met several friends at the party.
  174. all: All the students passed the exam.
  175. both: Both of them are doctors.
  176. each: Each student received a book.
  177. every: Every child loves ice cream.
  178. some: I have some money to lend.
  179. any: Is there any food left?
  180. enough: There's enough time to finish the task.
  181. few: Only a few people attended the meeting.
  182. little: She has little patience.
  183. many: Many people attended the concert.
  184. more: He wants more candy.
  185. most: She is the most beautiful girl.
  186. much: There is much work to do.
  187. other: I have no other siblings.
  188. several: I met several friends at the party.
  189. both: Both of them are doctors.
  190. each: Each student received a book.
  191. every: Every child loves ice cream.
  192. some: I have some money to lend.
  193. any: Is there any food left?
  194. enough: There's enough time to finish the task.
  195. few: Only a few people attended the meeting.
  196. little: She has little patience.
  197. many: Many people attended the concert.
  198. more: He wants more candy.
  199. most: She is the most beautiful girl.
  200. much: There is much work to do.

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