What three variables determine how much interest a person could earn from a savings account?

 What three variables determine how much interest a person could earn from a savings account?

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Cover Image of What three variables determine how much interest a person could earn from a savings account?

Here is the three variables that determine how much interest a person could earn from a savings account are:

1. **Interest Rate**: The interest rate is the percentage at which the money in the savings account grows over time. It is usually expressed as an annual percentage rate (APR). The higher the interest rate, the more interest the account will earn on the balance.

2. **Principal Amount**: The principal amount is the initial sum of money deposited into the savings account. The interest earned is typically calculated based on this principal amount. The larger the principal, the more interest will be earned over time.

3. **Time Period**: The time period refers to the length of time the money remains in the savings account. The longer the money stays in the account, the more time it has to earn interest. Time is a crucial factor in compound interest calculations, as interest can accumulate on the initial deposit as well as on any previously earned interest.

Other factors, such as the compounding frequency (how often the interest is calculated and added to the account) and any fees associated with the account, can also influence the amount of interest earned, but the three main variables mentioned above are the fundamental factors that determine interest earnings in a savings account.

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