How to Connect [ React js with Node js ] Backend ?

 How to Connect [ React js with Node js ] Backend ?

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Cover Image of How to Connect [ React js with Node js ] Backend ?

Connecting a React.js frontend with a Node.js backend involves creating an API (Application Programming Interface) on the Node.js server that the React.js frontend can communicate with. This communication is typically done using HTTP requests.

 Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Set Up Node.js Backend

1. Initialize Node.js Project:

   - Create a new folder for your Node.js backend.

   - Open a terminal, navigate to the folder, and run:

     npm init -y


2. Install Dependencies:

   - Install necessary dependencies like express (for handling HTTP requests) and cors (for handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing issues).


     npm install express cors


3. Create a Simple Express Server:

   - Create a file (e.g., server.js) and set up a basic Express server.



     const express = require('express');

     const cors = require('cors');

     const app = express();

     const PORT = 5000;



     app.get('/api/data', (req, res) => {

       res.json({ message: 'Hello from the server!' });


     app.listen(PORT, () => {

       console.log(`Server is running on http://localhost:${PORT}`);


4. Run the Node.js Server:

   - Start the server using:

     node server.js

 Step 2: Create React.js Frontend

1. Create a React App:

   - Open a new terminal, navigate to your desired frontend folder, and run:


     npx create-react-app my-react-app

2. Install Axios:

   - Axios is a popular library for making HTTP requests in React.


     cd my-react-app

     npm install axios

3. Update React Component to Fetch Data:

   - Open "src/App.js " and modify it to fetch data from the Node.js server:


     import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';

     import axios from 'axios';

     function App() {

       const [data, setData] = useState(null);

       useEffect(() => {


           .then(response => {



           .catch(error => {

             console.error('Error fetching data:', error);


       }, []);

       return (

         <div className="App">

           <h1>{data ? data.message : 'Loading...'}</h1>




     export default App;


4. Run the React App:

   - Start the React app using:


     npm start

Now, your React.js frontend is making a request to the Node.js backend, and you should see the response displayed on your React app.

Remember to handle more complex scenarios like handling different types of HTTP requests, sending and receiving data, and securing your API depending on your project requirements. Additionally, in a production environment, you might want to configure your Node.js server and React app for deployment.

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