What Software Tool Can You Use To See The Applications That Are Currently Running ?

What Software Tool Can You Use To See The Applications That Are Currently Running ?

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Cover Image Of What Software Tool Can You Use To See The Applications That Are Currently Running ?

On different operating systems, there are various tools you can use to see the applications that are currently running.

There are two main options to see currently running applications:

1. Built-in Operating System Tools:

Windows: Task Manager - This built-in utility provides a list of running applications under different categories like "Apps," "Background processes," and "Windows processes." You can access it by right-clicking the taskbar and selecting "Task Manager".

macOS: Activity Monitor - Similar to Task Manager, Activity Monitor shows all active processes and applications. You can find it by going to Applications > Utilities > Activity Monitor.

Linux:  Various options exist depending on the specific distribution. Common tools include:

    top: Provides a real-time view of processes along with CPU and memory usage.

    ps aux: Offers a more detailed listing of running processes.

2. Third-party Software:

While the built-in options are sufficient for basic needs, third-party software can offer additional features:

Process Explorer (Windows): Provides a more in-depth view of processes, including their relationships and resource consumption.

Activity Monitor (macOS):  Some third-party options offer enhanced monitoring capabilities like CPU and memory usage graphs.

System monitoring tools: Many comprehensive system monitoring tools include functionalities to monitor running applications, often alongside server health and network performance.

The best option for you depends on your specific needs. Built-in tools are readily available and suitable for basic monitoring. Third-party software might be preferable if you need advanced features or more detailed insights.

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