What is Data Structures ? [ Types And Example ]
What is Data Structures ? [ Types And Example ]
Easy Definition:
A data structure is a specific way of organizing data in a computer so that it's easy to access and use. Just like the toolbox helps you find the right tool quickly, a data structure helps programs efficiently access and manipulate data.
There are many different data structures, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Here are some common ones:
Arrays: Like a row of boxes in your toolbox, an array stores a fixed collection of items of the same type.
Linked Lists: Imagine linked train cars. Each car holds some data and also has a reference to the next car in the line. Linked lists are flexible but slower to access elements at random.
Stacks: Think of a stack of plates. You can only add or remove plates from the top. Stacks are good for keeping track of things like function calls in a program.
Queues: Like a line of people waiting, a queue follows a first-in-first-out principle. You add items to the back and remove them from the front.
Trees: Trees are hierarchical data structures consisting of nodes connected by edges. Each node has a parent and zero or more children. Example: Binary Search Tree.
Graphs: Graphs are a collection of nodes (vertices) and edges that connect these nodes. Example: Social networks.
Hash Tables: Hash tables store key-value pairs where each key is mapped to a value using a hash function. Example: Dictionary data structure.
Let's say you're writing a program to store grocery list items. An array would be a good choice if you always want to access items by their position. If you need to frequently add or remove items, a linked list might be better.
Choosing the right data structure depends on what you want to do with the data.