Top App Development Course Learning Websites [2024]
Top App Development Course Learning Websites [2024]
Here are some of the top websites for learning app development in 2024:
1. Coursera
Description: Offers courses from top universities and institutions.
Notable Courses:
"Android App Development for Beginners" by Vanderbilt University
"iOS App Development with Swift" by the University of Toronto
2. Udacity
Description: Provides Nanodegree programs focused on job readiness.
Notable Programs:
"Android Developer Nanodegree" (in partnership with Google)
"iOS Developer Nanodegree"
3. edX
Description: Features courses from universities and institutions around the world.
Notable Courses:
"Professional Android App Development" by Galileo University
"iOS App Development for Creative Entrepreneurs" by UC Berkeley
4. Pluralsight
Description: Offers a wide range of courses for developers.
Notable Courses:
"Building Android Apps with Kotlin"
"iOS 13 Development: What's New"
5. Udemy
Description: Hosts a vast array of courses on various topics, including app development.
Notable Courses:
"The Complete Android N Developer Course" by Rob Percival
"iOS 13 & Swift 5 - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp" by Angela Yu
6. LinkedIn Learning
Description: Provides courses aimed at professional development.
Notable Courses:
"Android Development Essential Training"
"iOS Development Essential Training"
7. Treehouse
Description: Offers a project-based approach to learning with tracks and workshops.
Notable Tracks:
"Android Development Track"
"iOS Development Track"
8. Khan Academy
Description: Provides free educational resources on a variety of subjects.
Notable Courses:
"Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages"
"Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation"
9. Codecademy
Description: Focuses on interactive learning with hands-on coding exercises.
Notable Courses:
"Build Basic Android Apps with Java"
"Build iOS Apps with SwiftUI"
10. MIT OpenCourseWare
Description: Offers free course materials from MIT.
Notable Courses:
"Mobile Application Development" (course materials and lecture notes)
Each of these platforms offers a variety of resources to help you get started or advance your skills in app development, whether you are interested in Android, iOS, or cross-platform app development.