Date Calculator – Calculate Date Differences, Add or Subtract Days, Weeks & Months Offline

Advanced Date Calculator Advanced Date Calculator

Calculate date differences, add or subtract time periods, and more

Recent Calculations

User Guide


Date Difference Calculator

Select a start date and end date, then click "Calculate Difference" to find out the exact time between these two dates in years, months, days, hours, and minutes.


Add to Date

Choose a starting date, enter a value, select a unit (days, weeks, months, or years), and click "Calculate New Date" to find out the resulting date after adding the specified time period.


Subtract from Date

Similar to the Add function, but this calculates a date in the past by subtracting your specified time period from the start date.


Day of Week

Select any date to instantly find out which day of the week it falls on. Great for planning events or checking historical dates.


Age Calculator

Enter a birth date and optionally a reference date (defaults to today) to calculate the exact age in years, months, and days.


Calculation History

All your calculations are automatically saved to your device. You can view your recent calculations in the history section and clear them if needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate is the date calculator?

Our date calculator is highly accurate and takes into account leap years, different month lengths, and daylight saving time changes. The calculations follow the Gregorian calendar system, which is the most widely used civil calendar in the world today.

Why do I get different results when calculating months between dates?

Month calculations can sometimes be confusing because months have different lengths. Our calculator uses a consistent approach where a month is counted when the same date is reached in the next month. For example, from January 15 to February 15 is exactly one month, but from January 31 to February 28 might be considered less than a full month by some calculations.

Is my data saved or shared when I use this calculator?

No, all calculations are performed locally on your device. Your calculation history is stored only in your browser's local storage and is not transmitted to any server or third party. You can clear your history at any time using the "Clear History" button.

Can I use this calculator offline?

Yes! Once the page has loaded, this calculator works completely offline. You can use it without an internet connection, making it perfect for travel or areas with poor connectivity.

How do I calculate business days between two dates?

Currently, our calculator shows the total days between dates including weekends and holidays. For business days calculation, you can use the Date Difference calculator and then subtract the number of weekend days (Saturdays and Sundays) that fall within your date range. In a future update, we plan to add a dedicated business days calculator.

What's the earliest date I can use in the calculator?

The calculator supports dates from January 1, 1900, to December 31, 2100. This range covers most practical use cases while ensuring high accuracy in calculations.

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