Argon2 Hash Generator

Argon2 Hash Generator Online | Secure Password Hashing Argon2 Hash Generator

Generate secure password hashes using the Argon2 algorithm

User Guide

How to Use the Argon2 Hash Generator

  1. Enter the password you want to hash
  2. Adjust the hashing parameters if needed:
    • Time Cost: Higher values increase computation time
    • Memory Cost: Amount of memory used during hashing
    • Parallelism: Number of parallel threads
    • Hash Length: Length of the output hash
  3. Click "Generate Hash" to create the hash
  4. Use the copy button to copy the hash to your clipboard


  • Client-side hashing (your password never leaves your browser)
  • Configurable parameters for custom security levels
  • Copy functionality for easy hash sharing
  • Mobile-friendly interface

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Argon2?

Argon2 is a password-hashing function that won the Password Hashing Competition in 2015. It's specifically designed to be resistant against various types of attacks, including GPU-based attacks.

Is this tool secure?

Yes, all hashing is performed locally in your browser. Your password is never sent to any server or stored anywhere.

What parameters should I use?

The default parameters provide a good balance of security and performance. Increase the time cost and memory cost for higher security at the cost of slower processing.

Can I use this for my application?

Yes, this tool is free to use. However, make sure to implement proper security measures in your application beyond just password hashing.