Barcode Generator

Advanced Barcode Generator Tool Barcode Generator Tool

Create professional barcodes for your business, inventory, or personal use. Customize, download, and share in seconds!

Generate Your Barcode


User Guide: How to Use the Barcode Generator


Choose Your Barcode Type

Select the appropriate barcode type for your needs:

  • CODE128: General purpose, can encode all 128 ASCII characters
  • EAN-13: Used for retail products worldwide (13 digits)
  • UPC-A: Used primarily in the US and Canada for retail products (12 digits)
  • CODE39: Used in logistics and industry, can encode uppercase letters, numbers and some special characters
  • ITF-14: Used for packaging levels of products
  • Other formats: Choose based on your specific industry requirements

Enter Your Data

Input the data you want to encode in your barcode. Different barcode types have different requirements:

  • EAN-13: Requires exactly 12 digits (the 13th is calculated automatically)
  • UPC-A: Requires exactly 11 digits (the 12th is calculated automatically)
  • CODE128: Can include letters, numbers, and special characters
  • CODE39: Uppercase letters, numbers, and some special characters

The tool will validate your input and show an error if the data doesn't match the requirements of the selected barcode type.


Customize Your Barcode

Use the Advanced and Styling tabs to customize your barcode:

  • Module Width: Controls the width of the narrowest bar
  • Height: Sets the height of the barcode
  • Margins: Adds space around the barcode (important for scanning)
  • Colors: Change the foreground and background colors
  • Text Display: Show or hide the text below the barcode
  • Font Options: Customize the text appearance

Generate and Preview

Click the "Generate Barcode" button to create your barcode. The tool will display a preview that you can check before downloading.

If there are any issues with your input data, the tool will show an error message explaining what needs to be fixed.


Download or Share

Once you're satisfied with your barcode, you can:

  • Download as PNG: Best for web use and printing at smaller sizes
  • Download as SVG: Vector format, ideal for scaling to any size without quality loss
  • Download as PDF: Perfect for professional printing
  • Copy Image: Copy the barcode to your clipboard
  • Print: Send directly to your printer
  • Share: Share the tool or your generated barcode via social media or direct link

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the various barcode types?

Different barcode types serve different purposes and industries:

  • CODE128: A high-density barcode that can encode all 128 ASCII characters. It's versatile and used in many applications.
  • EAN-13: Used worldwide for retail products. It encodes 13 digits, with the first 2-3 digits representing the country code.
  • UPC-A: Similar to EAN-13 but used primarily in the US and Canada. It encodes 12 digits.
  • CODE39: Used in logistics and non-retail environments. It can encode uppercase letters, numbers, and some special characters.
  • ITF-14: Used for packaging levels of products in the retail supply chain.
  • QR Code: 2D barcode that can store much more information, including URLs, text, and more.

Choose the barcode type based on your specific industry standards and requirements.

Why is my barcode not scanning properly?

Several factors can affect barcode scannability:

  1. Quiet Zones: Ensure there's enough margin (white space) around the barcode
  2. Size: If the barcode is too small, scanners may not read it properly
  3. Print Quality: Low-resolution printing can cause scanning issues
  4. Contrast: Ensure high contrast between the bars and background
  5. Curvature: Barcodes printed on curved surfaces may be harder to scan
  6. Data Format: Make sure your data matches the requirements of the barcode type

Try increasing the module width, ensuring adequate margins, and using high contrast colors for better scanning results.

Can I create barcodes for commercial products with this tool?

While this tool can generate valid EAN-13, UPC-A, and other retail barcodes, for official commercial products you should:

  1. Register with the appropriate organization (GS1) to obtain legitimate product codes
  2. Ensure your barcodes comply with industry standards for size, placement, etc.

This tool is perfect for internal inventory systems, testing, educational purposes, or small-scale applications. For mass retail products, always use officially assigned numbers.

What resolution should I use for printing barcodes?

For optimal scanning results:

  • Print at a minimum of 300 DPI (dots per inch) for most applications
  • For smaller barcodes or those with high density, 600 DPI is recommended
  • SVG format is ideal for printing as it's resolution-independent
  • When using PNG, ensure the image dimensions are sufficient for your printing size

The module width setting in the tool affects the minimum size at which your barcode will scan reliably. Larger module widths create more robust barcodes for scanning but take up more space.

Is it possible to add a logo or image to my barcode?

Standard 1D barcodes (like CODE128, EAN-13, etc.) cannot contain logos or images without compromising their scannability. However, you can:

  1. Print your logo separately next to the barcode
  2. For more advanced needs, consider using QR codes which can sometimes incorporate simple logos in the center while maintaining scannability (though this requires careful design)

If brand visibility is important, consider using colored barcodes (ensuring sufficient contrast) or placing your logo near, but not within, the barcode itself.

How do I create sequential barcodes for inventory?

For inventory management with sequential barcodes:

  1. Choose a barcode format suitable for your needs (CODE128 is often ideal)
  2. Create a numbering system (e.g., INV00001, INV00002, etc.)
  3. Generate each barcode individually, incrementing the number each time
  4. For bulk generation, you may want to use specialized inventory software that can integrate with this tool

Consider including a prefix that identifies the item type or location, followed by a sequential number. This makes inventory management more intuitive.

Are the barcodes generated by this tool compliant with industry standards?

Yes, all barcodes generated by this tool comply with the relevant ISO/IEC standards for each barcode type:

  • CODE128: ISO/IEC 15417
  • EAN-13 and UPC-A: ISO/IEC 15420
  • CODE39: ISO/IEC 16388
  • ITF-14: Based on ISO/IEC 16390

The tool implements proper check digit calculations, start/stop patterns, and encoding algorithms as specified by these standards. However, for specific industry applications (like pharmaceutical, aerospace, etc.), you may need to verify compliance with additional industry-specific requirements.

Can I use these barcodes on my website or in digital documents?

Absolutely! The barcodes generated by this tool are perfect for digital use:

  • Websites: Use the PNG or SVG download options to add barcodes to your website
  • PDFs: The PDF download option creates high-quality vector barcodes ideal for digital documents
  • Email: You can attach the downloaded barcode files to emails
  • Digital Catalogs: SVG format is ideal for scalable barcodes in digital catalogs

For web use, SVG format provides the best quality at any size, while PNG is more universally compatible across older systems.

Is there a limit to how many barcodes I can generate?

There is no limit to the number of barcodes you can generate with this tool. It's completely free to use as many times as you need, with no restrictions on:

  • Number of barcodes generated
  • Download formats
  • Commercial or personal use

The tool runs entirely in your browser, so your data never leaves your computer, making it secure for sensitive information.

How can I verify that my barcode is correct?

To verify your barcode is correct:

  1. Visual Inspection: Check that the barcode appears clear and complete
  2. Test Scanning: Use a barcode scanner or a smartphone app to scan the barcode
  3. Check Digits: For formats like EAN-13, verify that the check digit calculation is correct
  4. Data Validation: Ensure the scanned data matches your input

Most smartphones have built-in barcode scanning capabilities or you can download barcode scanner apps to test your generated barcodes. Advanced Barcode Generator Tool - Free Online Barcode Creator

Create professional barcodes for business, inventory, or personal use.