Base64 Encoder Online Base64 Encoder
Professional tool to encode text and files into base64 format. Just paste your textual data in the form below, press the Base64 Encode button, and you'll get base64-encoded data. Press a button – get base64. Works with Unicode and UTF8 strings.
User Guide
How to Use:
- Enter text directly or upload a file
- Select desired options (trim whitespace, URL-safe encoding, line breaks)
- Click "Encode" to convert to base64
- Use the copy or download buttons to save your result
Example 1: Simple text
Text: Hello World
Base64: SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=
Example 2: Special characters
Text: Hello 👍
Base64: SGVsbG8g8J+RjQ==
What is Base64 encoding?
Base64 encoding converts binary or text data into a string format using 64 different characters. It's commonly used for sending data over email, embedding images in websites, and other data transfer needs.
What's URL-safe encoding?
URL-safe encoding replaces characters that might cause issues in URLs (+ and /) with safe alternatives (- and _). Use this option if you plan to use the encoded string in a URL.
Can I encode files?
Yes! You can upload any file (text, images, documents) and encode it to base64. The tool handles files up to 50MB in size.