Dog years to Human years Calculator

Professional Dog Age Calculator | Accurate Human Years Conversion

Dog Age Calculator

Conversion Result

Age Progression

Calculation Guide & Formula

Scientific Formula Used

Based on American Veterinary Medical Association recommendations:

First 2 years = 24 human years
Subsequent years vary by size:
- Small: +4.5 years per dog year
- Medium: +5.5 years per dog year
- Large: +6.5 years per dog year
- Giant: +9 years per dog year

Human Years = (First 2 years × 12) + ((Current Age - 2) × Multiplier)

Why Breed Size Matters

  • Small breeds mature faster but age slower
  • Large breeds age rapidly after first few years
  • Giant breeds have shortest average lifespan

Health Recommendations

Dog age chart

Dog Age (Years) Small Breed (Human Years) Medium Breed (Human Years) Large Breed (Human Years)
1 15 15 14
2 24 24 22
3 28 28 27
4 32 32 31
5 36 36 35
6 40 42 42
7 44 47 47
8 48 51 55
9 52 56 61
10 56 60 66