HTML Online Editor - Free, Simple & Easy HTML Code Editor
Write, edit, and preview HTML code in Real-time
HTML Editor
Live Preview
Comprehensive User Guide
Getting Started
- The editor is split into two panels:
- Left panel: Write your HTML code
- Right panel: See live preview of your code
- Start by writing HTML code in the editor or use the default template
- The preview updates automatically as you type
- Use the buttons below the editor to:
- "Run Code" - Manually update the preview
- "Copy Code" - Copy your code to clipboard
- "Share Code" - Share the editor with others
- "Clear Code" - Reset the editor
Advanced Features
- Dark Mode: Toggle between light and dark themes
- Mobile View: Preview how your page looks on mobile devices
- Auto-preview: See changes in real-time
- Syntax highlighting: Makes code easier to read
- Error handling: Invalid HTML will still render safely
Best Practices
- Always include DOCTYPE declaration
- Use proper indentation for readability
- Close all HTML tags properly
- Test your code in both desktop and mobile views
- Check your design in both light and dark modes
HTML Cheat Sheet
Document Structure
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
Content here
Text Elements
<h1>Heading 1</h1>
<br> Line break
Links & Images
<a href="url">Link</a>
<img src="image.jpg" alt="description">
<li>Unordered item</li>
<li>Ordered item</li>
<input type="text">
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I save my code?
Use the "Copy Code" button to copy your code to clipboard, then paste it into your preferred text editor and save it with a .html extension.
Can I include CSS and JavaScript?
Yes! You can add CSS using the <style> tag and JavaScript using the <script> tag within your HTML code.
How do I test mobile responsiveness?
Click the "Toggle Mobile View" button at the top of the editor to switch between desktop and mobile views.
How do I switch between light and dark mode?
Click the theme toggle button (sun/moon icon) in the top-right corner to switch between light and dark modes.
How do I share my code with others?
Click the "Share Code" button to copy the editor's URL to your clipboard. You can then share this link with others.