Photo Resizer Free - Optimize Images Online

Photo Resizer Free Photo Resizer Free

Convert, resize, and optimize your images with our powerful online tool. No installation & No-Signup Required!

Image Converter

Upload your image and customize conversion settings

Upload Your Image

Drag & drop your image here or click the button below

Supports JPG, PNG, WEBP, BMP, and GIF formats

Conversion Options


Resize Options

Advanced Options

Output Options

Original Image

0 KB
Original image preview

Converted Image

0 KB
Converted image preview

How to Use the Image Converter


Upload Your Image

Click the "Choose File" button or drag and drop your image into the upload area. The tool supports various image formats including JPG, PNG, WEBP, BMP, and GIF.


Customize Conversion Settings

Select your desired output format (JPEG, PNG, WEBP, or BMP) and adjust the quality slider. You can also resize your image by selecting a resize method and entering the dimensions or percentage.


Apply Advanced Options (Optional)

Enhance your image with filters, rotation, and other advanced options. You can also customize the output filename and choose to strip metadata if needed.


Convert and Download

Click the "Convert Image" button to process your image. Once conversion is complete, you can preview both the original and converted images side by side, then download your converted image.


Share with Others

If you find this tool useful, share it with your friends and colleagues using the share buttons at the bottom of the page.

Frequently Asked Questions

What image formats are supported?

Our image converter supports a wide range of formats including JPEG, PNG, WEBP, BMP, and GIF. You can convert between any of these formats with customizable settings for quality and size.

Is there a file size limit?

Since this tool runs entirely in your browser, the file size limit depends on your device's memory. Generally, files up to 10MB should work without issues. For larger files, you might experience slower performance.

Is my data secure?

Yes, absolutely! This tool processes your images entirely in your browser. Your images are never uploaded to any server, ensuring complete privacy and security of your data.

What's the difference between JPEG, PNG, and WEBP?

JPEG is best for photographs and complex images with many colors, but uses lossy compression. PNG supports transparency and is better for images with text, line art, or fewer colors. WEBP is a modern format that offers both good compression and quality, often smaller than both JPEG and PNG while maintaining similar quality.

Why would I want to strip metadata?

Images often contain metadata (EXIF data) that includes information like the camera model, date and time the photo was taken, and sometimes even GPS coordinates. Stripping this data can protect your privacy and reduce file size.

Can I use this tool on mobile devices?

Yes! Our image converter is fully responsive and works on all devices including smartphones and tablets. The interface adapts to your screen size for the best user experience.

How can I achieve the best quality when converting images?

For the best quality, use PNG format with 100% quality setting. However, this will result in larger file sizes. If file size is a concern, WEBP offers a good balance between quality and size. For photographs, JPEG with 85-95% quality usually provides excellent results with reasonable file sizes.

Advanced Image Converter - Your free online tool for image conversion and optimization