ROT13 Cipher Tool : Text Encryption and Decryption

ROT13 Cipher Tool | Free Text Encryption & Decryption Online ROT13 Cipher Tool

Encrypt and decrypt text using the ROT13 substitution cipher

ROT13 Reference Table


Examples & Usage Guide

Basic Text Encryption

Original: "HELLO WORLD"


Numbers and Special Characters

Original: "Hello, World 2023!"

ROT13: "Uryyb, Jbeyq 2023!"

Note: Numbers and special characters remain unchanged

Double ROT13

Original: "Secret Message"

First ROT13: "Frperg Zrffntr"

Second ROT13: "Secret Message"

Applying ROT13 twice returns the original text!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ROT13?

ROT13 is a simple substitution cipher that replaces each letter with the letter 13 positions after it in the alphabet. It's a special case of the Caesar cipher, with a shift of 13 places.

Why use ROT13?

ROT13 is often used to hide text from casual readers, such as hiding spoilers in online forums. It's not secure encryption and shouldn't be used for sensitive data. Its main advantage is that the same operation both encrypts and decrypts the text.

How does ROT13 handle non-letter characters?

ROT13 only affects letters A-Z and a-z. Numbers, punctuation, spaces, and special characters remain unchanged. This makes it easy to read the structure of the text while still obscuring the content.

Is ROT13 secure encryption?

No, ROT13 is not secure encryption. It's a simple substitution cipher meant for light obfuscation, not security. For sensitive data, use modern encryption standards like AES or RSA.