Social Security Calculator Social Security Calculator | Retirement Planning Tool Social Security Calculator

Personal Information

Enter your birth year to determine your Full Retirement Age (FRA)
Your current age helps us calculate the optimal time to claim benefits
Your current or expected annual income before retirement
Choose between 62 (early retirement) and 70 (maximum benefits)

Advanced Options

Your marital status affects benefit calculations and eligibility

Estimated Benefits

Monthly Benefit at Selected Age


Lifetime Benefits by Age 85


Benefit Comparison Chart

Important Dates

Optimization Tips

    How to Use This Calculator

    Step 1: Enter Personal Information

    Start by entering your birth year, current age, and annual income. This information helps us calculate your base benefit amount.

    Pro Tip:

    Your birth year determines your Full Retirement Age (FRA). For those born after 1960, FRA is 67 years old.

    Step 2: Choose Retirement Age

    Select when you plan to retire. Remember, benefits vary significantly based on your retirement age:

    • Age 62: Earliest eligibility (reduced benefits, up to 30% reduction)
    • Full Retirement Age (FRA): Full benefits (no reduction)
    • Age 70: Maximum benefits (up to 32% increase)

    Important Note:

    For each year you delay benefits past FRA, your benefit increases by 8% until age 70.

    Step 3: Advanced Options

    Adjust marital status and spousal benefits for a more accurate calculation.

    Spousal Benefits:

    If married, you might be eligible for up to 50% of your spouse's benefit amount if it's higher than your own benefit.

    Step 4: Understanding Your Results

    Review your calculated benefits and optimization recommendations:

    • Monthly Benefit: Your estimated monthly payment
    • Lifetime Benefits: Projected total benefits through age 85
    • Benefit Chart: Visual comparison of benefits at different ages
    • Important Dates: Key milestones in your retirement timeline

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How are Social Security benefits calculated?

    Benefits are calculated based on your highest 35 years of earnings, adjusted for inflation. The Social Security Administration uses a complex formula that includes:

    • Average Indexed Monthly Earnings (AIME)
    • Primary Insurance Amount (PIA)
    • Retirement age adjustments
    • Cost-of-living adjustments (COLA)

    What is Full Retirement Age (FRA)?

    FRA varies based on birth year:

    • Born 1943-1954: FRA is 66
    • Born 1955-1959: FRA increases by 2 months per year
    • Born 1960 or later: FRA is 67

    Can I work while receiving benefits?

    Yes, but earnings above certain thresholds may temporarily reduce your benefits if you're under FRA:

    • Under FRA: $1 reduction for every $2 earned above annual limit
    • Year reaching FRA: $1 reduction for every $3 earned above limit
    • After FRA: No reduction in benefits

    How do spousal benefits work?

    Spousal benefits allow you to receive up to 50% of your spouse's full retirement benefit if it's higher than your own benefit. Key points:

    • Must be at least 62 years old
    • Spouse must be receiving benefits
    • Reduced if claimed before your FRA

    What happens if I continue working past FRA?

    Working past FRA can increase your benefits in two ways:

    • Delayed retirement credits (8% per year until age 70)
    • Higher earnings may replace lower earnings in your benefit calculation